Tuesday, February 8, 2011

REPOSTED: Here They Are!! January's FREE PHOTO CONTEST Entries: Theme: Bridges!! and the announcement of February's FREE PHOTO CONTEST THEME!!

This is a RE-POST!!!
(I forgot one photo by Peter F. so I added it at to the beginning this post. Not to fear, though, I did not contact any judges yet, so the voting will not be affected!  If I forgot to list anyone else's photo, please let me know right away!!)  My apologies to Peter!

You have all done it again!!

You have blown me away with all of your entries into 
January's FREE PHOTO CONTEST with the theme of:

We got 19* entries!!

(*Once again, if you entered a photo by the deadline of Jan. 31st, midnight with the correct theme, and do not see it listed below: PLEASE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY).  If this occured, I will re-post this blogpost to include your forgotten photo before I contact the judges.  It is possible I skipped someone as I was gone on vacation and may have not noticed your email.

That being said, here are all of the WONDERFUL 
bridge photos!!!!:

This one is by Peter F.  His blog is called: "White Shadow in the Basement".

This one is from Amy. Her blog is called: "Amy's Camping Chronicles".

This one is from Bilsot. His blog is called: "Amateur Photographer".

This one is from Miss Arti. Her blog is called: "My Yatra Diary".

This one is from Sharon. Her blog is called: "Sharon's Paws Create".

This one is from Paz. His blog is called: "Pictures of Ireland"

This one is from VaBookworm 87. Her blog is called: "Confessions of a Bookworm".

This one is from Sara. Her blog is called: "Greyt Days".

This one is from Muffy. Her blog is called: "Muffy's Marks".

This one is from Nat. Her blog is called: "Just Nat".

This one is from Teresa. Her blog is called: "Gardening With Soule".

This one is from Eva. Her blog is called: "Wrestling With Retirement".

This one is from Connie. Her blog is called: "Far Side of Fifty Photos".

This one is from Patty. Her blog is called: "Two Greyhound Town".

This one is from Linda. Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters".

This one is from DJan. She has two blogs. One is called: "D-Janity" and the other is called: "Eye on the Edge".

This one is from Scott P.  He does not have a blog.

This one is from Larry B. He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This one is from Judy. She has two blogs.  One is called: "The Road to Here" and the other one is called: "Through Squirrel Eyes".

Weren't they WONDERFUL???????

Gosh, I kind of hate to have to contact the Judges.

They are going to HATE ME for having to choose just ONE winner!


And WHAT, (you ask)....

Well, get your cameras out and get busy!!

The theme is:


Send me your old barn photo by midnight, Feb. 28th, 2011 

You do not have to have a blog to enter.


  1. i am sooo happy i am not a judge, these are all spectacular, so many different types of bridges. you should give Sharon the Terror Award. YIKES i got a stomach ache looking at hers. good photo but subject scared me silly. when i told you i had no bridge, i was thinking car bridge, i have tons of foot bridges but none of them could beat these.

  2. Where's my photo? *sniff*

  3. Peter: Thankyou so much for letting me know I forgot to include your photograph. I found your email in my computer and reposted the blogpost. I have not contacted any judges yet, so your photo will have just as much of a chance when I do contact them at the end of this week. My apologies and good luck!!

  4. All the photos are wonderful. When I saw Nat's bridge, I just sighed. and smiled. I love this one!

  5. Forgot to add something. I'd love to know the locations of these bridges. Only one has the location in the blog title (Pictures of Ireland).

  6. Just am awesome collection of photos...
    A small suggestion - why not ask the participants to give the name of the place where the pic is taken, or the name of the thing in picture, in this case the bridge...
    Have a nice day:-)

  7. Wow Joan---this may be the best overall group yet... I would hate to choose a winner from this group!!!!! Good Luck to the judges.

  8. those are such awesome photos! (And yes, I actually was the photographer for mine!)

  9. All such wonderful photos. This is what our photography club does, one member each meeting picks a photo challenge for the club to do its fun! Good luck everyone I couldnt pick just one they are all great !Have a wonderful day !

  10. A great selection. Very stiff competition!

  11. I had to laugh at Sandra's comment. It really WAS a scary hike. The reward was a huge waterfall at the end. I'll have to do a blog post on it. Wow, so many great entries this time.

  12. @ Joanie my bridge is in the Nephin Range mountains in Co Mayo, West coast of Ireland
    Agree with the comments I would not like to pick one
    @ the retired one, sorry that I do not comment that often, but I do visit, mostly when out and about on my mobile and too fiddly to comment

  13. These are great photos. For those of you who have been wondering where these are taken, mine was taken in Kiso Valley Japan in the Nagano Prefecture.
    I have to give a shout out to Bilsot, what a beautiful shot! And also to Nat, well done.

    Scott P.

  14. These are great photos. For those of you who have been wondering where these are taken, mine was taken in Kiso Valley Japan in the Nagano Prefecture.
    I have to give a shout out to Bilsot, what a beautiful shot! And also to Nat, well done.

    Scott P.

  15. Love the photos! Mine's of the Brooklyn Bridge.

  16. WOW!!! What a group of great photos!!!
    I'm not a judge, but it's rare to see a photo that immediately invokes a feeling in me. Sharon's photo did that to me just now!
    Again, WOW! what a group!

  17. Love all of them - my (rather blurry one - apologies, should've sorted out the resizing - I'll know for next time!) photo is of the Tromsobrua in Tromso, northern Norway in the Arctic Circle.

  18. ps - if I had to pick one, I think Sharon's for the sheer awesomeness!

  19. My bridge is one of the many that Rockefeller built for the carriage roads on Mt. Desert Island, which is now Acadia National Park, near Bar Harbor, Maine. It was built by European stone builders that Rockefeller hired to make his many bridges.

  20. What a fabulous assortment of bridges, I love seeing everyone take on the theme.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: