Monday, January 17, 2011

Nature's Ice Sculptures: Part THREE

Today is the last of my series
of the frozen ice sculptures
we saw in the woods.

In addition, about a 1/2 mile from our house on the lake,
(right beside a busy highway)
is a rock cliff
which has been "growing" an ice sculpture
that I have been drooling over for a few weeks now.

I finally had to stop the car and take photos of it for you.

This is a shot of part of the icefalls right beside the highway.
The sky you see in the background is over our lake:

I love the drama that winter snow and ice lends to black and white photography.

I do most of my black and white photos this time of year because of that.

This one begged for black and white in my photographer's eye:

Alot of our icicles on the rocks around here are yellow...we have a lot of iron ore in our rocks
and minerals in our soil.

Which makes great color in the white time of this year and against the rock's

I love looking at the ice closeup and personal:

Or on a wide view:

And the snowcapped ice
is enchanting:

I hope your day today
 is as golden as these icicles,

as fun as the "powdered sugar" on the icicles

and as intriguing
as this Nature's showcase:


  1. I've never seen such colorful icicles! Beautiful!

  2. Wow, yellow ice and without someone peeing on it! Sorry, just had to say that... lol.

  3. WOW!!!!

    absolutely gorgeous! and while ALL of the photos are exquisite, I'd have to say my favorite is the black and white one; love it!
    I have enjoyed your ice sculpture pictures tremendously; thank you!

  4. That last picture is just beautiful! Well, they all are, and I've enjoyed your three-part adventure into ice. What fun!!

  5. these are goregous and i have never seen the yellow color in frozen waterfalls. i was all prepared to ask about it from the first photo but found the answer as i read. fasinating to look at and to here about. keep them coming

  6. These are really beautiful, and the minerals lend the sculptures an interesting colour. Glad you managed to stop safely next to the highway :-)

  7. The last two photos blew me away! gorgeous!

  8. Wow, just let me look at those again. Amazing. I've never seen golden ice before. It provides a wonderful spectacle, thank you. Beautiful pictures for this time of the year.

  9. VERY pretty...and cold looking!

  10. Incredible! The black and white is my favorite!

  11. I was skimming a bit too fast and tripped over the word "drooling", thinking you were saying the rock wall was drooling. That is exactly the right way to describe what the rock wall is doing, as the slow dripping freezes into place. This wall seems to be drooling pudding!

  12. Yellow + snow and ice. I think you know what I'm thinking. ; )

    Then again, I do have 5 brothers...

    Nice pics!

  13. Your B&W one is my fav, Joan... But--they are all nice. I just don't care for seeing the 'muddy' icicles from the iron in the rocks... ha


  14. Nature does some amazing sculpting!
    And you do some amazing photography to capture it...

  15. these are gorgeous...this is exactly what that rail road tunnel looks like...did go to a frozen waterfall today and took some pics...

  16. Gorgeous, but creepy? Or maybe it was J.J. in L.A.'s comment that spun the creepy. Still gorgeous!

  17. Human hands can never match Mother Nature when it comes to ice sculptures, beautiful photos Joan.

  18. Your photographs are unbelievable! It almost makes getting bundled up and out in the cold worth the effort. You are a saint for doing that and sharing these incredible shots with us!

  19. These ice photos are absolutely breath-taking!!! I would probably be frozen in place if I lived where you do, just standing soaking in such awesome beauty.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: