Friday, January 7, 2011

Evening Grosbeaks!

This is the third year in a row
that we have been blessed
to have
our Evening Grosbeaks
(click on THIS LINK to read more about them)
stay with us
all winter long.

Today, I have a collection of pictures of them
for you to enjoy:

A male and female couple:

She is telling him to watch his diet, (he put on a lot of weight this holiday season):

Loved the splashes of yellow and bright blue against our all white yard!:

Love their "batman" yellow face masks:

She is gorgeous too!:

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful"....

He is saying: "Oh sure....I have to watch my diet and you call HER beautiful! Gheesh!":

"Now, where DID I hide that apple?":

A community meeting of them!:

They make delightful little chirps
when they all fly in, too...

They are exactly the shot of joy we need when we birdwatch
outside in the frozen north:

A skidding landing:

Hope you enjoyed them as much as we do!


  1. Oh, yes I really DO love all those pictures. I've had a couple of them visit my feeders, but none like these. And those funny pictures with the snowy beak, they are my favorites! Adorable little guys, and well photographed, too!

  2. Lovely pictures!
    We've not had those yet... must check my birdbook to see if they're in our area.

  3. the second photo is priceless, he looks like he is actually listening to what she is saying. ha ha on that one. a man that LISTENS? these are precious and pretty little birds and I especailly like the bright blue jay sharing the feeder with them.

  4. Loved the photos, they were great, those Grosbeaks are both pretty and funny, especially the Couple!

  5. Yes I did enjoy them! They remind me of goldfinches, with their bright yellow coloring.

  6. Wow! Loved these photos and captions. Skidding landing - great catch! Is this a day's worth, week's worth, month's worth of photos? Nice!

  7. That's a neat birdfeeder! Must be Paul made it?? We don't see grossbeaks down here but we have Carolina wrens, tufted titmouse(s), rufous sided towhee (probably didn't spell that right and I'm too lazy to look it up!)

  8. FANTASTIC photos! I love photographing birds as well ! Have a great weekend!

  9. Always a joy to view your pictures! THANKS!

  10. While you're watching birds in the frozen north, I'm watching them in the rainforest of Trinidad. It's all amazing! I'm trying to get shots of the toucans. Loved these photos.

  11. Haha! LOVE the skid! The only birds we seem to get are crows. Yeah, not so interesting. These are great!

  12. Great photos of a fun bird. We used to have them come through every spring and stay a few days, on their way to somewhere else, but we haven't seen them for a long time.. I love their fat beaks and their loud "CHURP".

  13. I envy you for all your brightly colored birds that come visiting! Nice photos Joan!

  14. Gorgeous birds, Joan... We only get the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks at our feeders in Spring and again in Fall --as they are migrating...

    I have never seen the Evening ones before. They truly are beautiful birds.

  15. Great shots of beautiful birds. I don't think we have them here. I do see lots of bright goldfinches, though.

  16. What beautiful birds!! Great photos!! You have your Grosbeaks and I have my Cardinals..Ha!

  17. i can't wait to show these to Gram on monday, she will love these.....I keep her feeders full, but we mostly get squirrels...rar, who empty the feeders...i won't go into how i dispose of them...let's just say my 4 yr old exclaims, mommy can i shoot the bb gun this!....Gram has some neat cardinals, they are beautiful against the snow, them and the blue jays...

  18. What adorable little birds, if we have them in this area I have never seen them. They look so cute with the snow on their beaks.

  19. We rarely see these birds but have seen them at Minnesota rest stops along the interstate. I may have to steal your three tray feeder idea. I really like it's design. My present plastic tray is a temporary fix until I build something. Your photos are always marvelous.

  20. I love your photos of one of my favorite birds, the Evening Grosbeak. We had them visit for the first time last year, and now after seeing these I'm anxious for spring to arrive as they may also.

  21. Great photos and I showed my husband your triple deck feeder too! :)

  22. Oh my, completely captivating and enjoyable!


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