Monday, December 27, 2010


One of my favorite all time
little birds
are the

They are playful, funny and just gorgeous little creatures.

Here is more information about them.

So, now for some photos of them!:

We haven't trained them to eat out of our hand
like a lot of my Blogger friends....
but that's okay...
I love just watching them!

Hey, remember!
Only FOUR more days to enter the
get your photo in my midnight on Dec. 31st, 2010!!!


  1. I have to ask. Is it just pure peanut butter in a jar or did you add other items to the jar of peanut butter? Thanks for sharing. Your pictures are great! I love birds and feed them too.

  2. Cute little birdies! We get a lot of finches and goldfinches around here. I like watching them too!

  3. What wonderful photos! You do such great work! Thanks for making my day!

  4. welcome home and back to blog land, missed you. i have never personaly met a chickadee. these are precious and adorable and cute a s a button.

  5. nice...cute little ones...hope you had a great christmas...

  6. OK, so now i am officaly crazy! i said welcome back and the minute i clicked post realize i was looking at your birds and not betsy, who is the one that has been gone. at least i caught my senior moment

  7. Yes, is that just peanut butter? Marvelous photos as always.

  8. So wonderful to see these cuties up close! You've got me eating out of your hand with these pictures....

  9. Awwww, how sweet! love the photos :) and what did you add, if anything to the peanut butter to attract them? I'd like to do that so if you could give me some info...
    thank you!

  10. Hi Joan, Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We did except for the fact that my sons and families could not get here for Christmas... Too much snow on the mountain..... And here in TN ---they don't scrape the back roads... None of my sons have a 4-wheel drive. Oh Well--SIGH!!!! At least we did have a White Christmas ---the first for us in many years.

    Love your Chickadees... You'll have to check my blog today... George gave me a Chickadee ornament... It's so cute!!!!!

    Happy New Year.

  11. very nice photos of a darn cute bird!
    I want to know about the jar also...

  12. They are so sweet. I'm glad we have them where we are. I think they are my 2nd favorite bird.

  13. What cute pictures! I love them too, they are so freindly and fun to watch. I'm trying to convince my oldest daughter to let them eat from her hands.
    I'm interested in that feeder too!

  14. I love the peanut butter jar feeder...what a great idea! And those Chicks are gorgeous. Short and fat...just like me. ; )

  15. These little birds are the cutest and I love hearing them. What beautiful close ups you got of them also!! I used to keep a seed bell on my window but the darn squirrels always knock it off. But the Chickadees come down on the ground anyway. The little hawk got a bird today and I'm sure glad I didn't see what kind it was. Makes me sad. But that is nature. Happy New Year Joan!!

  16. These pictures of the chickadee are wonderful. I am so envious. My next post is going to be about chickadees too, but my pictures are as bad as yours are good. I was just happy enough to be able to see them at all. Your pictures are like a very happy bonus for me since I'm thinking so much about these same birds right now. Great stuff!

  17. I had a chickadee land on my hand once. Of course I flinched and the chickadee took off. Another time one landed on my peanut butter sandwich very much to my surprise. Your pictures really caught what you said in your description...very playful energetic birds. Keep up the good work.

  18. The little Chickadees are adorable. I love all of your photos of them but my favorite is the one with the snowflake on his beak, that is so cute.

  19. Is this your garden? With the birds? YES, please tell us about the peanut butter!

  20. great pictures!! chickadees are just adorable!! my grandmother calls my children "chickadees"!! So these pics are extra special to us :) Thanks for sharing!

  21. There's no winter birdy like the chickadee. I love their fat little bodies and that pretty little face!


  22. That's my husband's favorite bird as well. I love their call.

  23. Great photos..I love to watch them too..but lately the deer are cleaning out the feeders..:(

  24. Yep, the little chickees are my favorite too.

  25. I love these little guys, they can cheer up any day, beautiful shots


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