Friday, November 19, 2010

Lake Superior Rocks!

If you have never seen the Great Lakes,
especially Lake Superior
(which is the prettiest of all of the Great Lakes by FAR)
(Ok, I'm just a tad bit biased)...

You may not appreciate or understand
the fascination one gets from it's rocks.

Lake Superior has this myriad of wonderful smooth rocks
along many of it's beaches...

green ones, blue ones, gray ones, gold ones..
they are just amazing.

So today, for a bit of a change...
I will do less talking
and more showing...
Enjoy this great lake's rocks....

Did I just do an entire blogposts about rocks?


yes I did.

I am smitten with them
and with Lake Superior.

So, go ahead..get to work and tell your co-workers that some crazy lady did an entire blogpost
showing just Lake Superior rocks.

Go ahead.

I'll be here when you get back.

But somewhere, sometime...

one of those co-workers (that has actually SEEN Lake Superior
and it's rocks)

is gonna ask you for the blog address.

It's a sickness, I tell ya'..................


  1. no wonder you are smitten. these are some of the prettiest i have seen. the colors in some of the photos are amazing. i saw a beach of stones yesterday on another blog and said then and today, i have only seen sandy beaches not ones with stones.

  2. Beautiful and the water is so clear. Very nice. Thanks for your post:-)

  3. Never been to Lake Superior but am also fascinated with rocks, especially those on the coast. The colors, shapes and sizes are unlimited!

  4. Wonderful photos! Makes me want to come to your neck of the woods even more than before!

  5. Not only did you do an entire blog post about rocks, but you did a post which was visually fascinating. I have never seen the Great Lakes and hereby declare to the world that I intend to live however long it takes me to see them and paddle in their clear waters.

  6. oh i love me some rocks...mix them with water all the better....the things water can do to them...its art!

  7. I totally agree - Lake Superior (coincidence it's called SUPERIOR - I think not!) has some fantastic rocks. I'm also smitten by them. Although the other GREAT lakes are wonderful too ;) But then again I have always been drawn to water by some mystic force.

  8. I've been there but I was a youngster!
    time to go back...

  9. LOVE Lake Superior! Don't get to see it nearly often enough!!

  10. Very nice... I probably would have
    snagged a few to take home.

  11. That is one great looking lake! I'd love to see the great lakes someday.

  12. 'Dem be the purdiest ROCKS I ever saw!!!! Hope I can see Lake Superior myself someday.... Beautiful pictures, Joan!!!!!! (BUT----your moose will be jealous of all of those pictures of the rocks!!!!)

  13. Wow. I see what you mean. The colors are amazing! And no, I don't think you are weird. Rocks are cool!

  14. ooooooooooo.....make me homesick....well, not homesick exactly, cause I have never lived in the U.P. YET!!!!! but i will, someday....

  15. I'm fascinated by rocks and pebbles... the only trouble is my friends think I'm crazy because I photograph them and search for fossils! :-)

  16. Those are really colorful rocks. I am also fascinated by rocks,I have never been to the Great Lakes but I love river and coastal rocks.


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