Sunday, October 24, 2010

More This and That from the Woods

Since I have a ton of photos from our
glorious fall season,
today I am going to show you various shots
that I took during that time.
We went to many falls to catch the high rushing water from a recent rainfall:

A lot of our waterfalls here consist
of rocky rivers and the water rushing through small and large crevices:

And many scenes have more than one little waterfall
to look at:

Or shelves, that cascade the water down the stream:

Or brilliant, rushing rapids
through the autumn colors:

Some areas of our autumn woods
are full of reds, oranges, and yellows and greens.

Others, are almost all golden yellow in one area:

I always hope I will come upon a little pond to reflect the autumn colors...
this one fit my wishes:

Another rushing-stream-water-through-the- rocks photo:

When autumn comes here,
it just seems like I can't get outside often enough
or get to enough places to capture it all.

But we did our best and captured what we could this season.

I hope you are having a wonderful autumn
where you are and get to get outside to some places of beauty, too.

Don't forget about the FREE PHOTO CONTEST!

This month's theme is:


Get your photo in to me by midnight, Oct. 31st

following THESE RULES!!!


  1. Hi Joan, I especially liked the rushing rapids photo and the pond reflecting autumn.

  2. ah...i can hear the roar of the river....

  3. Gorgeous water and fall colors! Looks like you had a wonderful time there with your camera.

  4. Great colors Joan, looks like a fantastic river for some White water rafting.

  5. The golden woods photo was my favorite - it reminds me of a painting I once saw - absolutely gorgeous!!!

  6. Gorgeous photos as always Joan. You have so many beautiful rivers in your area. I love that golden woods photo, it is so dreamy.

  7. I loved all of these, almost impossible to pick a favorite. So loved seeing you work your magic again this Fall, these are beautiful. Happy Monday sweetie.....:-) Hugs

  8. All of them beautiful. my favorite is the one with the golden leaves..

  9. What beautiful country you live in Joan! Just beautiful... and thanks for sharing it with us.

  10. Amazing colours and wonderful water shots.

  11. This post reminded me of Great Falls in Maryland. Fall is SO beautiful where you are, the colors are breathtaking! Fall in Belgium does not compare, not by a long shot!

  12. Oh Wow, Joan..... I've been gone for a week --and am trying to catch up.. As you know it is a big job..... I will go back and see your photos... Love seeing Fall in your area ---and your WATERFALL and CASCADE pictures are awesome.... Thanks for sharing.

  13. They area all such wonderful shots. You had a great day for each of them as the light was marvelous.

  14. Gorgeous autumn scenes, Joan!!!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: