Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Autumn Splendor

Are you tired of
autumn photos yet?

Me neither!

So here are more for you today!

An overlook of Houghton, Michigan:

The reds and golds of Alberta Lake:

While going on a ride out in the woods,
we saw this pond and the hill full of color behind it!:

A set of waterfalls set in between golden sunlit autumn trees:

You know me! 
I  also can't pass up shots
roads full of color, beckoning you to go around the next curve to see more!:

And I search for little waterfalls
in the middle of the woods, tucked in amongst the color
and fallen trees:

Rocky bluffs full of color above green pines:

Water reflecting colorful shores:

And the thing I can't capture in photos?

The smell of autumn.

It is soooo SWEET...
it is the only adjective to describe it.

Go out and deeply inhale the sweet aroma of fall for yourself
if you live where the leaves are in full color.
For those of you that haven't experienced the smell of this, you need to come north
and inhale it.

It is amazing!!


  1. I never grow tired of the riotous beauty of autumn. Your photos are fabulous! And you're right - the air is clear and smells heavenly.

  2. oh i will never grow tired of autumn pictures...uness of course i can be out in them...roads and waterfalls and lots of glorious color...ahhh...

  3. Autumn is wonderful, Joan... We were just sitting on our deck doing our daily devotions... I could have cried --at all of the beauty around me....

    Your pictures are fabulous as usual. Love the reflection ones and of course the waterfalls!!!!!! ha

    Have a great weekend.

  4. beautiful pics Joan. Each one prettier than the one before it.
    I agree about the road. I've always been captivated by country roads. Who? what? where? when? My head fills up with questions...

  5. All your FALL photos are breathtaking. It's as if God himself just painted them on canvas. Sorry I haven't visited your blog in awhile but I'm going to check out what I've been missing:)

  6. This makes me want to move to Michigan. Then I think of all that snow you'll be getting soon enough. ; )

  7. Oh, these are wonderful! I saw a tree the other day down here in Dallas that had beautiful red leaves. But it might have been some kind of tree disease. I'm not sure.

    You're right about the smell of Fall up north. There's nothing like it!

  8. Oh, fabulous! Thanks for the glorious autumn photos.

  9. Your pics are just another reminder of why autumn is my absolute favorite time of year. STUNNING PICS, Joan!

  10. Oh wow, color and waterfalls. It doesn't get any better than that. I love the reflections on the lake.

    I'm pretty far north but our color is running behind schedule, maybe this coming week. Until then I will enjoy your beautiful golds and reds.


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