Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer Birds!

We were on our boat on the lake
and I spied
far, far away....
what I thought was a family of some kind of ducks...

I didn't want to scare them,
so we didn't bring the boat any closer.
I used my zoom, but unfortunately the shot did not come out clear, due to the distance involved.

But, I want to share it with you anyway, because I was so thrilled
when I saw what they were!

(Eight babies!!!!!!!!)

Remember last year
when I had a Chipping Sparrow with a Mohawk???

Well, guess who
visited us
again this year??!:
(I love that he always looks like he has an attitude, don't you???)

A wonderful attitude!:

I think this is a female, but I am not sure what kind of bird she is.
Does anyone out there know? A female purple finch or grosbeak?:

Did someone say Purple Finch?
Yellow Finch?:

A Purple Finch in all his glory. I know, I know....they are more red than purple, but that is
his name!:

Aren't they gorgeous?:

Help me Rhonda:
(I wanted to pet him sooooo bad).

This one was particularly red in color:

I am SURE at this point, he was saying:
"Are you DONE with the pictures, already??" "You haven't even given me time
to clean off my face, for Cripe's sake!:":

So, I moved on....
the Yellow Finch:


A female yellow finch:

All of these birds
have disappeared now..............

The fall migration has already started here
with some of the birds
We  hope we see some again on their way through
from Canada.

If we do, I'll be snapping away at them with my camera!!


  1. beautiful colors and markings on these birds...nice captures...the one with the chips ont he face makes me think of taking candid pics of family...and catching them in those moments...

  2. Those are some amazing photos. Love the purple finch...I've never seen one.

  3. I've still got lots of goldfinch at my feeders, but here they don't all migrate. In fact I seem to have more than usual right now. Maybe some are just passing through on their way south. Don't know what that pretty bird is, but it looks like a grosbeak to me, with that thick beak. Great pictures of the birds, I am jealous!!

  4. I like that you have the names of the birds with your gorgeous pictures. We always get out the bird book and if we can't find the bird in it we start looking online. Great pictures. Hope you are having a good Labor Day.

  5. What a late birthday wish to you.

    Wish you are as beautiful as the bird, forever.

  6. Lovely captures, and I'm amazed to see that many young loons together!

  7. Great group of birds, Joan... Your unknown one I think is a female Purple Finch... It's not a Grobeak because they are much larger and have a HUGE white eyebrow... And it's not a female Chipping Sparrow because they have black running through their eyes and on the back side of the eye. Hope this helps!!!

    Great pictures... I love seeing the Purple Finch. They do lose their 'purple' don't they??? My Cardinals are looking pretty shabby now also.

    Have a fabulous Labor Day.

  8. Lovely birds and great shots. You must have an awesome zoom on your camera.

  9. You have such wonderful close ups! Birds are such fun photo fodder.

  10. I'm not particularly a "bird person", but I do appreciate their variety and colors. The only birds we see regularly in Austin are Grackels~ Big, ugly, noisy, birds with abysmal personal hygeine! There are thousands of them. Austin: Grackels and Bats....not much in the way of pretty flying creatures!

  11. I love finches!
    really nice and colorful photos Joan!

  12. They are so beautiful and they posed very nicely for you - I'm sure that was in appreciation for the kind way you feed them. You are so sweet to share these photographs with us. All I've been seeing these days are seagulls!

  13. That little sparrow with the mohawk is so adorable, but then, I love all birds and you've captured them so well.

  14. OMG these pics are fantastic ~ you must have a SUPER DOOPER camera and the talent to use it. Thanks for stopping by and seeing my 'toothless' grandaughter. She's got such a funny personality to match her grin. Keeps us all in stitches.

  15. The Chipping sparrow with the mohawk is so cute, he does look like he has an attitude. All of the little birds are fun to see. I'm not much of a birder but my guess on your mystery bird is a female purple finch.


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