Sunday, August 8, 2010

Here They Are!! July's Photo Contest Entries: Motion/Action!!!=REVISED

(This is a revised post, due to the fact that I FORGOT to post
one entry!--and I have TWO posts make sure you go down to read the next post too!)

Hang on to your cameras,
put on your eyeglasses---
latest month's
are superb!!!

The theme for July's photo contest


And boy, are you going to love
the entries we got.

We received
15 entries!!

The entries come in all month
and I try and keep track the best I can...but
sometimes, I accidently skip one.

My deepest apologies go the Linda R. for not including her marvelous photo
the first time I posted all the entries.

And since I did forget one this time, I did this a revised post, revised on Aug. 8, 2010.

Luckily, I hadn't contacted the judges yet, but I will be doing so this week.

That being said,
grabba cuppa coffee (or tea, or wine!),
sit back and relax...
heck, put your feet up, too...

Here we go..............

(remember the theme: Motion or Action):

This one is from Linda. Her blog is called: "Up a Green Tree".

This one is from Squirrel Queen. She has two blogs. One is called: "The Road to Here" and the other one is called: "Through Squirrel Eyes".

This one is from Kearsie. Her blog is called: "Sounds Like Tomatoes".

This one is from Scott Pierce. He does not have a blog to share with us.

This one is from Nancy. Her blog is called: "Ordinary Miracles& the Crazy 8".

This one is from Mistaya. She has two blogs. One is called: "Life''s Adventures" and the other one is called: "Life of a Rescued Pound Puppy in her own Words".

This one is from Larry. He has two blogs. One is called: "Larry's Creative Zone" and one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This is from Katie V. She does not have a blog to share an address with us.

This one is from J.J.  Her blog is called: "The World According to J.J. in L.A."

This one is from Sara. Her blog is called: "Greyt Days".

This one is from Connie. She has two blogs. One is called: "Far Side of Fifty" and the other one is called: "Far Side of Fifty Photos".

This one is from Blissed Out Grandma. Her blog is called: "Blissed Out Grandma".

This one is from Grannyann. Her blog is called: "Ann Tucker's Blog".

This one is from Photogirl 0207. Her blog is called: "A Bella Life".

 This one is from Linda R.  Her blog is called: "Linda's Letters".

Weren't they WONDERFUL??

Don't you just LOVE how people interpret the themes
and come through
in such artistic ways???

Thanks to everyone that did it again!!!
You made this contest special.

So, who is your favorite????
Can you pick just ONE???
The judges have their work cut out for them again.

I almost forgot...

theme is:


Get up early or stay out and catch
a gorgeous
sunrise or sunset
(or dig through your archives!)
submit ONE PHOTO fitting the theme
August 31st.
And please remember, if you have a blog, when you send me your photo, please remember to tell me
a. your blog name
b. what name you want me to say it is from
c. your blog address.

Please do this, even if you submit photos frequently.

I do not memorize your blog addresses and names and it is so much easier
if you include that information when you send me your photo.

Thanks so much!

Don't wait to enter, you will forget!!!

OH, and also:
go below this blogpost....
I have another one for you to read today, too....


  1. oh these are magnificent...someone is going o have a very hard time picking....some wonderful colors and textures to these...hard time just picking one or a few...

  2. The competition is stiff again! Love it!

  3. Wow! They are truly wonderful. I didn't submit one this time because I couldn't think how to interpret the motion thing, but now I realize that some of my hummingbird pictures would have been perfect. Just shows you how mundane some people are (like me) when thinking of what to send you! Great batch, I am enjoying every one!!

  4. Nancy's photos is my favourite. It captured the theme really well.

  5. There are some good ones in here!
    I'm sorry I missed this month Joan, I'll be back!

  6. Wow, tough choice again! They are all great!

  7. Some splendid entries - congratulations to one and all.

  8. The ones with the hummingbirds are my favorites, but that's because I love that exotic looking little bird so much. We don't have hummingbirds here in Belgium.

  9. WOW! Fantastic pictures! Loved them all, as I'm sure you did as well. I'm already looking forward to the Aug. Sunrise, Sunset competition. :)

  10. My friend Squirrel Queen outdid herself again.... Gee---that gal takes the BEST pictures, doesn't she????

    Good Luck to all of them!!!!!

  11. These are all so great. I looked at them several times now and I have a couple favorites but that is a tough call. You have a great thing going on here with this monthly contest.

  12. Love all of these! I would not want to be the judge--so many wonderful ones to choose from.

  13. Brian: That's for sure!!

    JJ: It sure is...I couldn't be a judge for the life of me. ha

    DJan: I was wondering why you didn't submit a parachuting one! ha

    Loree: She sure did...lots of motion and action in the water and the boy's face!

    Pat: Yes, I misse your shot get out there and submit a sunrise or sunset. ha

    Eva: yes they are..hard to believe this is an "amateur" competition, isn't it?

    Alan: I agree! (aplause, aplause!)

    Jientje: I wish you did..they are such cool birds..mine came back after not being at the feeders much a few weeks they are so many at my feeders!

    Biana: I agree!

    Cher: Me too!

    Betsy: Didn't they all do a good job! I love watching what people submit every is such a treat!

    TechnoBabe: Thanks so much. It is a little work but well worth it.

    Bossy: I second that! ha

  14. Oh they are almost all very different..good job everyone! Thanks for hosting this every month do a great job with it:)

  15. Methinks I like "A Bella Life's" picture the best, but they are all wonderful!

  16. Oh, my goodness, terrific pictures. I am so sorry I didn't make the deadline! I have marked this one on my calendar!

  17. Wow! What a great selection. It is always interesting to see how everyone interprets a theme.

  18. Far Side: You are is a bit of work, but I enjoy looking at others' photography so much, I love doing it.

    Lynn: It is so hard to pick ONE favorite, isn't it?

    RNSane: You are forgiven, as long as you send me a sunrise or sunset one before Aug. 31st. ha

    SquirrelQueen: Yes, it is always interesting to see how people interpret the theme and there is no "wrong" way to, I guess....I suppose if someone didn't send me a sunrise or sunset next time, I could question it though. ha

  19. Great entries! I didn't see mine - the eagle on the beach.

  20. Linda: Oh gosh! When did you send it to me? Please RE-email it to me at
    I don't recall seeing it, but I had a very, very busy month and it could have come in where I accidently deleted a bunch of emails....I was going to contact my judges today, but I will wait until you submit it to me and do a revision of the post and a new post first........please send it asap...and you have my apologies!!

  21. Thanks Linda and everyone for being patient with me as I show everyone's seems I always forget one or two! (Sigh!)...
    I am trying!! You all did such a wonderful job..good luck to you all!

  22. That is a cool shot of the eagle, way to go Linda!

  23. All great photo's pity everyone can't win but for me, the sheer enjoyment on the boy's face in Nancy's photo gets it.

  24. Hi Joan, That last picture is AMAZING...

  25. SquirrelQueen: I so agree!

    Ryan: I love the action in that photo with the water too!

    Betsy: It sure IS!!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: