Thursday, August 12, 2010

Antique Car Show: Part TWO

Today I am continuing my series
on showing you the classic cars
from two antique car shows
we attended this summer.

There were so many different kinds of cars there...
so many wonderful details!

Look at this hood ornament! You don't see these anymore!:

And the insignias!:

The cool dashboards and steering wheels!:

Another insignia!!:

I love seeing these coming down the road!:

I LOVED this old camper!!!:

And these "lipstick" tail lights on this classic Caddie:

Look at this car's rear!!!
AWESOME, isn't it???
No wonder Cadillacs were sought after back in the day...

I have more pictures to share with you in future posts...
stay tuned!!

It is time for my first reminder about this month's FREE PHOTO CONTEST!!

August's theme is:


Go search your archives...I KNOW you must have one in there somewhere!
Then grab a partner and go sit at the beach or on a mountain and watch the sunrise or sunset together...
(hey, it just may perk up your love life at the same time as getting a photo for the contest!, wink, wink)

Send me your photo by midnight on August 31st, following THESE RULES...

Hurry, the month will be getting away from you before you know it!!


  1. Hi Joan, More great pictures of the antique cars... I remember the fancy hood ornaments and insignias. That Caddy is amazing... All of the old cars bring back so many memories... Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh what a treat! Loved looking up close and personal at all those old classic cars. We had a Crysler growing up in the 1960's that had push buttons for the transmission. I thought that was so cool! My brother's first car was a little Metropolitan...

  3. I am imagining that I am one of the drivers.

  4. I love looking at the old cars. It brings back so many memories of my youth. And we could name every car back then. Never be able to do that these days. They all look alike. I and my ex had a 1959 Caddy with those big fins..great car! It was a hard top. Then later we had a 1965 red convertible with all red leather inside and a white top. Awesome car. I loved driving it. When you rode in a big car you felt so safe. Awesome photos Joan!! Thanks!!

  5. Gorgeous details and that camper???? I want one!

  6. All that old chrome. I remember cleaning it on my fathers car fifty year or so ago. They did look nice but they were terrible to clean.

  7. Hi,
    All these cars are simply beautiful!
    I especially loved the caddilac and the lipstick tail lights on the caddie!
    have a wonderful day :)

  8. All of your car photos have made me start looking for carshows to go to while we are in Georgia this fall/winter! Can you imagine the amount of elbow grease required to keep those things that shiny!!??

  9. Betsy: I just love the details of the old cars!

    Joycee: We almost bought a used Rambler once that had those push buttons for the gears too..I thought it was pretty neat and had never seen that before.

    Rainfield: LOL..and you could chaffeur me around and then we could switch places. ha

    Ginnymo: You lucky dog! I loved those old Caddies!

    Bossy: I know! We could paint a big peace sign and go off to San Francisco. ha

    Alan: I never thought about how much work that must have been! But they look so shiny and cool!

    Arti: Those taillights were the BEST!

    Cathy: Oh, the owners were polishing them all the time during the show too. I am sure little kids with stickey hands were driving them crazy. ha

  10. So nice! I want that caddy...hope it's a soft top...

  11. These cars are really beautiful! All these shapes and colors, it's really magical! Congratulations to these photos! Bye!!

  12. The hood ornaments and taillights are as interesting as the cars themselves. I love the fins on that Caddy!

  13. Pat: I'd love one too...but now if you drive one, you might look like a Pimp. ha

    Mahon: It would be fun to take a cruise down the coast in one of those cars, wouldn't it?

    SquirrelQueen: I agree completely!

  14. Great photos! It looks like a great way to spend a day or two! :)

  15. I must say that all the info and the photos which you have shared about the vintage cars are really interesting. I will surely take a look at the other parts of this article and hope to read something interesting.
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