Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This and That: Spring Photos (A little late) Again!

One thing I like about spring and summer,
is the return of

Even the pine trees look fresh and new.

And the birds begin having their young.
This Mourning Dove is fluffy.
Maybe she is pregnant?:

And the damselflies
come out again!:

Along with ducks.
Here is a Common Merganser and his mate:

And the dandelions come up, bright and yellow.
Which brings: BUTTERFLIES!:

When the Trilliums bloom, they are a brilliant white.
As they get ready to die,
they turn a pinkish purple:

And even though a few posts back, I showed some bees on my apple blossoms,
I have to show at least
one more:

A handsome
brown-headed cowbird!:

Thanks for re-visiting Spring with me,
even though it is summer now...

I don't mind going back in time, how about you?


  1. They are all great photos, but the bee is expecially amazing!

  2. Great photos of nature, beautiful at any time of the year.

  3. I Looove pine trees - you captured the softness of the pine needles wonderfully. Loved the other photos too! HOpe you had a wonderful 4th!

  4. I'd like to go back and enjoy Spring some more... One reason is that our Summer so far has been the hottest and most humid and driest I can remember since we moved here in 2003...

    You mentioned things turning GREEN there. Well---everything here is turning BROWN. Things are dry and thirsty. Even our Rhododendron leaves are turning yellow... Gads!!!!!

    George got out early this morning and watered the year/flowers/plants, etc. It was already hot at 6:30 a.m. GADS!!!!

    NOW--I either want to go back to Spring--or move on to Fall....


  5. I don't mind going back in time at all!

    That's one funky looking bee with an orange stripe! I think Doves are always in the family way. LOL!

  6. ooo...cool shots...esp the dragonfly (my favs) and the mourning dove!

  7. great pics Joan. It feels like spring here because it's raining! Yep, July in southern California, and it's raining...amazing

  8. Spring green is one of my favorite colors!

    I never mind looking bak as long as I keep moving forward :-)

    Cheers, jj

  9. I love revisiting Spring, it is a beautiful time of the year. Speaking of revisiting, I love the bee on the apple blossoms. You can show me that one anytime.

  10. Great shots. I do think I like the
    pine needles most of all.. very
    creative capture.. why didn't I think of that ...?

  11. I saw a butterfly, a few days ago, for the first time this year. I was confused as to what it was, at first, because it's been soooo long since I've seen one. lol!

  12. Re. the Mourning Dove. She looks greedy to me.
    Lovely pictures.

  13. Stunning photography! Lezlee

  14. My fav is the pine tree limb

  15. Biana: Thanks so much!

    Eva: my camera trigger finger was lucky on that one. LOL

    Linda: Thanks!

    Jeanette: Thanks, when nature hands you beauty, it is easy to take photos of it.

    Shelley: Thanks so much! Yes we had a great fourth....had lots of company, that is why I am behind in answering comments and I haven't read blogs all week! I gotta catch up now. ha

    Betsy: I have been seeing your hot weather..we had some really humid hot weather here too...in the 90's which is unusual for us...then rain, rain, rain!

    New England: yes, our doves are definitely "fluffy"..I always think they are pregnant when I see one too. ha

    Brian: Glad you liked them...I am smitten by dragonflies, so when I can, I snap at them with my camera. ha

    Pat: We have had quite a bit or rain here too..and unusually hot, humid weather.

    Joanna: I like looking back and moving forward too. LOL

    SquirrelQueen: yes, I had captured quite a few bees on the apple blossoms this year, for sure!

    Faye: I love macros of pine needles, I take them all the time.

    JJ: The butterflies are hard to capture for me...they flit about so much...I just get ready to take the shot and off they go! Dang it!

    Alan: Greedy huh? Maybe pregnant? ha

    Prior: Thanks so much! You are new to my blog, right? Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you join(ed) on as a Follower, that would be great. I will stop by your blog soon.

    Ann:thanks so much..I really like taking pine needles and branches..it is so typical of where we live.


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