Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More This and That from the U.P.

Today, I have random photos for you
taken either from my garden
from the woods
in beautiful Upper Michigan (the U.P.)

While taking a ride on our boat on Lake Michigamme,
we spied a mom and her baby ducklings:
(I count seven baby heads, how about you?)

They were soooo cute:

These little blue flowers are allllllll over my yard. Does anyone know what kind of wildflower they are?:

A purple wildflower that I also don't know the name of:

A closeup of the baby ducks. Yup, SEVEN!:

Pansies from my garden:

They self seeded themselves from last year:

A closeup:

Have a great day!

I hope I brightened it a bit for you!


  1. Oh my gosh, those baby ducks are so adorable. You always spot so many animals. You must live in a great place with beautiful nature :)

  2. That water looks so inviting! Don't have a clue what the flowers are. We've got an assortment of wild flowers that grow only on one of our campsites and no other place! Next spring I'll have take a couple of photos and see if anyone can tell me what they are.

  3. Awwww.... they are so cute! And the sparkly light on the water, just perfect pictures. I don't know what those flowers are, either. I am so impressed with your pictures, always.

  4. They are seven little dwarfs...


  5. Hi Joan, Cute little baby ducks....

    Love your Pansies. Ours finally died out --with all of the heat we have had this summer... We'll replant some in late Fall.

    Have no idea what your wildflowers are --but they are pretty...

    Have a great week.

  6. My pansies self seeded too and grew in the cracks of my driveway! Nice pics as usual!

  7. the baby ducks are cute...still loving the close ups from yesterday...the wild flowers are gorgeous though. such vibrant colors!

  8. my mom wants to know if those flowers are low to the ground or tall? she loves flowers and can identify 1000's of them...she is bringing her books to Grama's with her and we will see if we can identify them for you...they are definitely pretty!

  9. I absolutely love your photos. The ducklings are adorable but I just can't get over all the sparkles in the water.

  10. All nice photos Joan, those little fuzzy heads!!!!

  11. your pretty blue flowers are forget-me-not, they are of the Borage family, and grow in swamps or moist areas from the spring to fall, and are 6-24 inches...

  12. Biana: Thanks so much..yes we live in a beautiful area but it gets bitterly cold with tons of snow in the winter too. ha

    Cathy: I stopped by da Yoopers last month and they had a wonderful book on Michigan Wildflowers, I should have bought it..I have to go back and see if they still have it.

    DJan: Thanks so much! I love your mountain scenes from your hikes too..I am wayyyy behind in reading others' blogs because of our hectic summer here. I haven't been out to take any photos since JUNE!! I gotta get busy. ha

    Rainfield: hhaaa You are right!

    Betsy: Thanks! I am so sad in that I have been so busy this summer I haven't gone out half as much as last summer to get photos. I hope to make up for it in the fall.

    Jeanette: But they are so cute, arent' they? Mine finally are taking off..they were very sparse last year.

    Brian: Thanks so much. I love both the flowers and the ducks.

    Amy: Tell your mom the first ones are small and short and grow all over amongst the grass in our yard..they are probably considered weeds to others but I think they are really pretty. The second photo flowers are tall. If she finds the names that would be great!

    Loree: awww, thanks. Yes it was a gorgeous day on the lake the day we were out there.

    Pat: Aren't they adorable? They change so fast, too...we see them on the lake one week and by the time we see them again, they are almost all full grown.

    Amy: The small flowers were not forget-me-nots, we have them also in our yard and they are different. Close, but different and taller than these are.

  13. Such sweet little ducklings..
    and the flowers are simply

  14. I know nothing about flowers..only that their colorful beauty is to be enjoyed !!!
    I have "roots" in the UP, my fathers family originates there !

  15. The light sparkling on the water is even prettier with the little ducklings. Of course!

  16. The close up of the pansies is such a brilliant color. Aren't pansies a nice flower?

  17. You look at those ducklings and at first you think they might be slightly out of focus. But they are not - they are just very fluffy.

  18. The first little blue one is a Veronica..four petals is the clue..here is the link.

    The second one is some kind of a Campanula or Bellflower. Which one it is hard to tell..but it is lovely. Cute ducks! :)

  19. Love all ofyour cute baby ducks and geese!
    Those small blue flowers might be a kind of Veronica, commonly called speedwell. The other blue ones might be gentian, or else a kind of companula. You could try googling these to see if you gaet a match.

  20. The baby ducks are so cute, I love seeing them this time of the year. Very pretty pansies.

    I believe your purple flower is Venus's Looking-glass, it is a member of the Bluebell family. It grows up to 18" and is usually found in dry woods and fields. Don't you just love that name?

  21. Faye: Thanks!

    They Call Me: Where are your folks from in the U.P.? (near what town?) I'd love to know!

    Sharon: yes, it was so pretty on the lake that day.

    Technobabe: yes, they are!

    Alan: Yes, they were very fluffy! LOL

    Far Side: Thanks so much for helping me identify the flowers.

    Linda: you and Far Side seem to agree..thanks so much!

    SquirrelQueen: Yes, I do love the name..thanks!

  22. Your flowers are always so beautiful and a constant source of pictures.....love the little ducklings!!!

  23. Sorry I didn't get back to check in sooner. My family is from Calumet. I believe they are down in the Boyne City area now. It's been years since I've had contact.


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