Monday, June 28, 2010

More U.P. This and That

I have so many pictures yet to share with you that I have taken over the last month or so.

So, today, we will start with a collection
without a theme.

What the heck...
we don't always need a theme, do we??

Our apple blossoms
were lovely this year.

I wait every spring for them to blossom.
And to hear the buzzing of the bees in them,
pollenating away:

Someone once left a comment
that they had
never seen a
beaver hut.

So, here you are:
We had spied that huge one on a pond in the woods.

I think this is a female redwinged blackbird...but I am not sure. Does anyone know?:

When we were walking in the woods, trying to find Trilliums, we saw a tree that had "hung on" to its red leaves since last autumn! It was so pretty...just like it did last fall!:

Lovely, dreamy white Trilliums:

One trillium in the dappled sun on the forest floor:

We went to visit my brother
and saw this swan beside a mallard
at the head of the bay
on Lake Superior!:

She was so pretty.
But she was pretty far off shore for me to get clear closeups.
But I love swans so much...I was just happy to see her!:

I hope you enjoyed my "no theme" collection
of photos today!

Today is the 28th of June, folks!!!
enter your
FLOWER photo
my June 2010 FREE PHOTO CONTEST following the rules!!

Just don't sit there....get busy!!


  1. That single trillium picture is stunning! I absolutely love your this and that stuff, too. The bee in the picture is also amazing.

  2. see somedays it is fun to be random...nice capture of the bee in flight...and the textures on that black bird are great!

  3. DJan: thanks so much...that is the beauty of a digital on fast mode and you get a bee in flight! ha

    Brian: I am random most days now in my retired life. ha I go where life's whims take me...and I am loving it. Thanks for all your nice motivation for me to keep clicking away, means a lot!

  4. The bee in the first photograph is going to knock against the wall soon.

    Tell him to be careful.

  5. I love these photos! The bumble bee and the female red-winged black bird are amazing in their detail! Great shots!

  6. I love all your pictures. Everyone of them had me thinking wow about something. The bee so busy and so clear, the birds (love them), don't know what that black one is called but it is a beauty. It is so unique to find red leaves like that right now and of course...swans..I've done several entries with swans...I love them all..the black ones have colorful red beaks...from Australia. Thanks for stopping by my photo blog and hope my email gets to you ok. :) Maria

  7. I love where you take me with your pictures!

  8. Gorgeous pics, as usual! That bee close-up is a little too close for comfort. ; )

    P.S. You have an award at my place.

  9. Love that close up of the bee!! The beaver's hut is neat!! Have never seen one before. And great pics of the mallard duck and geese.

  10. I always love your posts, with or without theme, Joan... Your pictures are incredible... I love Trillium. It grows in the Smokies too.

    Can't believe that tree has held onto its red leaves since last Fall. Is that rare????

    Don't know about your bird--but it is very pretty... I think you are right when saying a female Red-winged Blackbird.

    The bees love the Apple Blossoms, don't they?

    Have a great day.

  11. Your bee shot is excellent but for some reason the other photos wouldn't load for me. I'll try again later.

  12. That bee photo was one of the most interesting pictures that I have seen. You must have a heck of a camera!

  13. I love that picture with the bee in flight. I'm not sure that's a female red-winged blackbird in the third picture. It looks a little darker than they would be. They usually look a lot like a big sparrow.

  14. Maria: As of tonight, I still haven't gotten your email with your entry. Are you sure you are spelling it right? It is
    If you dont' hear back from me that I got your entry, then I didn't get it yet...keep trying?!!

    Bossy: Thanks so much!

    JJ: Awww, thanks so much...that was very, very nice!

    Ginnymo: I was surprised how many people have never seen a beaver hut before..glad I posted it.

    Betsy: Yes, I think it is rather rare that the leaves didn't drop off that little tree. I rarely see that here.

    Cathy: Let me know if you have trouble later okay? I had had to use a URL because Google won't let me load any more photos without PAYING for more storage space, which I did once already!

    Ratty: I was pretty sure it was but if not, I am not sure what kind of bird it was. ha

    Otin: Aw, thanks, Otin! I have two cameras, so I am not sure which one I took this with...I have a great Panasonic Lumix point and shoot that has amazed me ever since I got it..and I just recently got a DSLR (a Canon 50d) which I have been playing with too.

  15. I can't believe you got that bee in mid flight!!! So neat

  16. Great shots.. you don't need a
    theme. Random Monday will do.

    Careful around the bees..

    And that is a female red-winged
    blackbird... great capture.

  17. I love the bee and apple blossoms, gorgeous shot Joan.

    Your mystery birdie has almost identical markings to a female Red-winged blackbird except for the darker head.
    My guess would be that it is a juvenile. The females and juveniles are very similar and it is the right time of the year for the little ones to be around. Plus that little head looks a bit fuzzy.
    I have some photos of a female at

  18. Always enjoy your pictures my friend, I love the "bee" and white flower especially but as usual they are all beautiful...Hugs

  19. Great photos, especially the bee! I do love trilliums, and I love their old fashioned name, Wake Robins.

  20. As so many others. I love the bee buzzing around the apple blossoms. Excellent picture. Don't you think the colors of the tree leaves would make a fantastic silk blouse? Your blog has been chosen as Nature Site of the Week by Nature Center Magazine.

  21. With pictures the quality of these - no theme is necessary at all. Or rather, the theme is great photography.

  22. Your photo's are definitately the Bee's knees!

  23. Gorgeousness Joan! Theme, no theme... as long as they aren't medical pictures, I'll be here. ;-)

  24. I like how soft and velvety the bee looks. The Trilliums are gorgeous, I see why you were hunting for them.

  25. Oh! WOW!! You are using your retirement to the best; the photos are stunning, especially the first one with a bee.

    I probably know which bird that it; maybe a bulbul.

    Wednesday Wallpapers


  26. You don't need a theme. All the photos are wonderful Joan! Love the bee and orange leaves the best ; )

  27. Ann: I just set the shutter speed higher and got lucky. ha

    Faye: I thought it was, but some birds are hard to tell, aren't they?

    SquirrelQueen: I bet you are right...I told my hubby it might have been a baby female...

    Bernie: thanks..I know you understand how I cherish spring after our long winters! :0}

    Linda: I never knew they were called Wake Robins! I wonder why they had that name? Do you know?

    Emma: How Cool! Thanks so much!!!!! You made my day!

    Alan: You always know exactly the right thing to make me happy. ha

    Sharon: How cute!! Thanks!

    Aria: Now THERE'S an idea for an original blogpost!! How about anatomy? haaaa

    Country Mouse: So glad you found it too!!! Thanks for stopping by!

    Diane: Thanks!

    Bhavesh: You are new to my blog! Welcome and thanks so much for your nice comments! I will stop by your blog too.

    New England: Were'nt those leaves something? I have never seen that before (that they stayed on until Spring!)

  28. His back figure is really elegant.

    Thank you.


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: