Sunday, June 6, 2010

More Florida Photos!

As most of you know, at the end of April
we went to Florida
for the birth of my newest grandson.

While there, I took as many photos
as I could...
I always LOVE Florida's sunsets, palm trees, flowers and wildlife.

So, I will continue to post sets of them
until I run out of the ones from that trip.....
in between
posting the ones of our U.P. Spring and summer....

So, here goes:

Florida's gulf coast NEVER disappoints me
regarding supplying some of the most
breathtaking sunsets I have EVER seen:

Tropical flowers!  Wouldn' t you love to tuck one behind your ear and drink a Momossa?

And of course, my goofy pelicans! Love 'em!!:

Sunbeams at sunset!:

Love, love, love the palms....

Another shot of a Hibiscus:

Sometimes the best sunset shots are AFTER the sun goes

Madeira Beach:

We will be back...
you know, with that new granddson living sooooo far away,
I have to go back more often now, don't I?
Oh, darn....
that will be very hard to do.



  1. that sunbeam pic is truly magnificent....nice capture...yeah i miss the sun rise and set down there...

  2. Fantastic photos.
    Really wish I could capture
    flowers the way you have with
    the Hibiscus. Simply beautiful.

    Florida awaits your return.
    East coast beaches are still

  3. I think it's so beautiful, and I am also sad for the destruction of these beaches that is happening right now. And World Ocean Day is Tuesday...

  4. The sunset pictures are really good, especially the first one, good composition.

  5. Brian: We always enjoy it down there, especially when we leave the frozen north for a while...but I would miss our glorious Michigan seasons if I lived there full-time.

    Faye: I feel sick about what is happening to all the gulf beaches and tropical birds and hope they solve the problem soon....

    DJan: I saw that on your blog. Yes, I am so, so saddened about the gulf beaches right now. I hope they come up with a solution soon.

    Rainfield: Thanks, so much!

  6. These are great and the sunset is out of this world! Simply amazing!

  7. WOW WOW WOW...
    They are all fantastic, but that first sunset photo is totally amazing...

  8. Fantabulous Photos! All I can say is WOW!

  9. Your desire to return to Florida to see your newest grandson gets a boost when you know you can find beautiful scenes like these in Florida. Like DJan says, I so hope the shoreline in Florida will be saved.

  10. You should enter that sunbeam at sunset photo in a contest! Stunning and perfect!!! Your photography is amazing!

  11. James: Thanks so much...they were amazing to see in person, too.

    Pat: Thanks so much..a nice compliment from a fellow photographer. ha

    Eva: Thanks, honey!

    Technobabe: I agree, I worry daily about the wildlife and beaches down there now.

    Shelley: Awwww, thanks Shelley...I feel the same way about some of your photos!

  12. Wow, some gorgeous shots. Yes, of course you have to go see your new grandson often, often, often!

  13. Gorgeous! Especially those sunset pictures! YOW!!!

  14. Great sunsets! Wow, they're really nice... and dramatic!

  15. Sunsets and sunrises are my favorite shots and yours are spectacular!!! Gail

  16. Fabulous, super fabulous, sunset photos. The Sunbeams at Sunset is gorgeous, that one you should have printed.

    There is nothing like the ocean for sunsets and beauty and FL has some of the best.

  17. The following text is translated WITH THE GOOGLE TRANSLATION TOOL
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  18. Thanks for the kind words on my blog. Your comments are always great. I will try to enter your next contest. Your sunset photos are so breathtaking. Makes me so jealous :) hope you've had a wonderful trip to Florida. Congratulations with your new grandson!

  19. That first sunset is like an explosion of color and fire. Gorgeous!

  20. Blissed out: I wish I could go down more often than we all takes money, unfortunately!

    Bossy: Thanks so much!

    Mike: I love the drama that sunsets provide...and sunrises too, but I am too lazy to get up to capture those. ha

    Mistaya: Mine too...I also love fog and sunrise and frost pictures.

    SquirrelQueen: You are right...the ocean yields some of the most dramatic photos nature can provide.

    Dimitris: I will try it, I have seen it listed, but I didn't know how to use it.

    Biana: Thanks! I would love it if you would enter the contests! There is still time to enter a flower one for June's theme!

    Jientje: Thanks so much...I love the sunsets there...I didn't add color to that with my computer, I just adjusted the lightness a little bit...amazing what nature provides to us photographers, right?

  21. Oh! I love your sunset pictures. I live near the GA/FL line and we often head to the beach for the day. Hope you get to visit again soon!

  22. B-ute-tful sunset pics!! you have the gift.

  23. Your sunsets are phenomenal, Joan! You have to come back to capture more of them - and birds too, of course :)

  24. Oh I love the sunbeams at sunset..what a wonderful photo..breathtaking:)

  25. I love the picture of the pelican, and the ones of the flowers. Seeing wildlife is always my favorite. Scenery is good for pure pictures, but wildlife is so interesting.

  26. I love Florida! Thank you for showing your pictures, fantastic as always! "Sunbeams at sunset" is breathtaking!

  27. What glorious reminders of the beauty Mother Nature put at our feet. If only we knew how to take better care of it!

    I looked at the bird images from the Gulf at the New York Times. I cried. I am so mad that companies who make enormous profits were allowed to skip expenditures that would have protected what is our common good. I cry for my children and am ashamed of being part of a generation that let this happen.

  28. Beth: Me, too...and I hope the oil doesn't get to your beautiful beaches and ruin is just tragic what is going on down there.

    Ann: Thanks so much...I feel so inspired when I see the sunsets there to do photography.

    Susanne: God willing, I will certainly be back...not only to see my newest grandson, but to capture the breathtaking beauty that Florida and the ocean provides!

    FarSide: We were just down there waiting for the sun to set to get some sunset pictures and a cloud blew in front of the sun and these fantastic beams appeared...only lasted a total of about 3 minutes, so I snapped away! Luck!

    Ratty: I agree...I think it takes more talent as a photographer to do animals and birds too, because you have unwilling subjects who are shy and don't stand still. ha I find them very gratifying to take because of that.

    Tatyana: Thanks so much..I was so happy when those brief sunbeams came out...I didn't have long to capture them and am so glad I did!

    Meresi: I so agree with you.


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