Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Here They Are!...May's Photo Contest Entries!!!

Here they are!!

Although we didn't get as many entries this month,
you will NOT
be disappointed!!

May's theme was:


And what was submitted was gorgeous.

I would want to visit every single one of these places!!

So, grabba cuppa coffee, put your feet up (once again)
and slowly
examine this month's entries.....

Here we go....

This one is from Far Side. She has two blogs. One is called: "Far Side of Fifty" and the other is called: "Far Side of Fifty Photos".

This one is from L.D. (Larry). He has two blogs. One is called:"Larry's Photo a Day" and the other is called: "Larry's Creative Zone".

This one is from SquirrelQueen. She has two blogs. One is called: "The Road to Here" and the other is called: "Through Squirrel Eyes".

This is from Ratty. He has three blogs. One is called "Rat Tales", one is called "The Everyday Adventurer" and the other is called "Nature Center Magazine".

This is from Grannyann. Her blog is called "Ann Tucker".

This one is from Mistaya. She has two blogs. One is named: "Seasons Adventures" and one is named: "Life of a Pound Puppy".

This is from DJan. She has two blogs. One is named: "D-Jan-ity" and the other one is named:"Eye on the Edge."

This is from RNSane. Her blog is called: "Carmen's Chronicles".

This is from Sarabz. Her blog is called: "Greyt Days".

This one is from Mark. His blog is called "Going Like Sixty".

This one is from JJ. Her blog is called: "The world according to JJ in L.A.".

I warned you!
Aren't they spectacular????

You'd better hope I don't write you and ask you to be a judge!
Because it would be darn near impossible to pick just one winner, again!

Thank you, everyone that entered.
Once again, you did a spectacular job!

If perchance I forgot someone that entered, please let me know RIGHT AWAY
because I will be contacting the judges very soon to choose a winner.

Oh, and one more thing.

 (insert drum roll here, please....)

It is:


(You knew it would be coming, didn't you???)

So, send me one favorite photo of your
best flower shot by midnight, June 30, 2010
following THESE RULES.
Yes, that means YOU!!!!
(You don't have to have a blog to enter).


  1. These are all so beautiful Joan, I love your contest with themes. Hope all is well, luv ya...Hugs

  2. Those amazing photos leave me breathless! I would hate to be a judge!

  3. oh my...they just keep getting better and better...i am a sucker for the mountains very nice a collection here...

  4. Bernie: Why don't you enter one of these times? I bet you can take shots of some beautiful flowers from your deck?

    Eva: They are wonderful, I agree!

    Brian: I so want to visit the Rockies this fall..I have never seen them!

  5. I really like the Mountain DJan and Mistaya and JJ I thought you did great! :)

  6. Hi Joan, I have two favorites ---but they are just my choices --I like Sarabz's VERY much ---and I like Mark's (of course you knew I would since I love waterfalls).

    Sometimes --with today's technology, I think pictures are too 'doctored' --and look almost fake.. I like the natural --straight out of the camera look --when possible.

    Great choices...

  7. Wow! That's some stiff competition!

    And thank you, Far Side of Fifty. : )

  8. indeed a fantastic collection. well done everyone

  9. All the pictures are spectacular! Great blog you have here.

    Thanks for the comment!

  10. Far Side: I love mountains too, but I love all the entries again this month.

    Jill: They sure are!

    Betsy: I loved all of these, they appear natural and lovely.

    JJ: Yes, it will be so hard again this month to pick only one winner.

    Vaggelis: yes..and I hope you enter June's contest too!

    Beth: thanks so much...I am so glad you stopped by!

  11. They are all wonderful and each one offers a different element.

  12. Spectacular landscapes, I enjoyed each and every one. :)

  13. Beautiful photos, I will try to enter the next contest! Thanks for your great comment on my blog!

  14. Amazing photos. I'm now a follower.

  15. Wow, gorgeous landscapes. Those are really fantastic views.

    You will have to excuse me now, I am jumping into my car and leaving to visit Mistaya and see that view first hand!!!!!! The weather kept us from getting to Montana on our last road trip but we hope to see it soon.

  16. They're all so beautiful - so many gorgeous places. Now flowers - that's going to be a hard one. I have so many flower pictures that, most likely, I will end up not being able to decide which one to send in.

  17. These are some of the best photos yet. I always say I wouldn't be able to choose a winner, but this time it's more true than ever. Landscape photos are my very favorite.

  18. Cathy: I know! I was surprised how different they all turned out to be....!!

    Diane: Me too!

    Biana: Thanks...I look forward to your entry! Woo hoo!

    Writing: I am so happy! Thanks for stopping by!

    SquirrelQueen: I know, I am dying to head west to see the mountains..I hope to do so this autumn.

    Loree: Just pick one...don't you dare get stressed...just ask your friend to pick your best out of five and let that be the one. ha

    Brittany: I think so too...hey, thanks for stopping by..haven't heard from you lately!

    Ratty: I loved your entry Ratty...yes, it is going to be verrrry difficult for the judges this time!!

  19. I forgot!!!!

    Silly me!

    My favorite one is the last one!

  20. Jientje: I was WAITING to see what you would enter, and never got any from you! :0( Make sure you enter the flower theme for this month! I'll be waiting....

  21. Truly special pictures!

    I wished I could dive into Carmen's Chronicles' wave right now! :-)

  22. Ann: Aren't they!? I love hosting this contest.

    Merisi: yes, they are...and I expect you to enter this month too!!!!

  23. Coming in via DJan's blog.

    These are all amazing!!! It's a wonder the judges were able to choose a winner!

    I love taking photos but never really know quite what to do with them. Maybe I'll try out for future editions of your contest... ;o)


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: