Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh Gosh...we finally have a WINNER!!! (and it wasn't easy!!)

You all have been very patient.

Because of my travels, and then my Blogger issues
with loading pictures
(which magically now works for some reason, without having to use a URL)
I was late in posting them all for you to see.

Then, it took me a while to nail down three new judges...

But, I
finally got
three judges
to look at all of the
for the theme of:
"Rain, Mist, Fog or Dark Skies"

The first two judges did not agree on ONE winner.
But, when I contacted the third judge
she picked the same one as one of the first judges did,
so we had a majority vote and a

Let me tell you, as each month goes by, the pictures sent in are better and better
the judging gets harder and harder.

All THREE judges had difficulty picking only ONE winner....

they HAD to....

So, without further delay....

(drum roll, please.....................................)


Congratulations, EVA!!
Her blog is called: "Wrestling with Retirement".

Wonderful, wonderful job on the theme and picture!!!

Special mention goes to the runners-up
which were specially complimented by the judges:

Lynn.   Her blog is called: "For Love or Funny".

 Jientje. She has three blogs.  Her blogs are called: "Heaven is in Belgium", "Heaven in Belgium" and "Heaven in 365".

  Pat.  He has two blogs. One is named: "As I Saw It" and the other one is called "Patrick Tillett, Extremely Overdue".

Ratty. He has three blogs. One blog is called "The Everyday Adventurer" one is called "Rat Tales" and the other one is called: "Nature Center Magazine".


Cheryl.  Her blog is called "Cher's Shots".
(note to Cheryl, two of the judges suggested NOT putting borders or writing over your photos for contests. They loved your photo, but suggested you be informed of this for entering future contests.)
I loved your photo, too.


Once again, I'd like to thank EVERY ONE of you that all did a FANTASTIC job...
I am SO glad I wasn't a judge again.
I truly fell in love with them all.

remember to send in your
MAY free photo contest entry!
This month's theme is:


Get your entry in by midnight, May 31st, 2010 following these rules.
Let's see if we can get even MORE than 18 entries this month
shall we????


  1. Congratulations to Eva!
    Great photo...

  2. Your winner's picture is beautiful and captured your theme wonderfully. It must be very hard to be a judge if this is an example of their work.
    Have a great weekend.....:-) Hugs

  3. Pat: yours was fantastic too..I honestly loved all of them this time...I am glad I am not a judge. You could frame yours and sell it easily!

    Bernie: It sure must be hard to be a judge. I am glad I am just the host site and not a judge, that's for sure! Have a wonderful weekend too, it is supposed to get in the 80F's here...Woot. And today I got the most wonderful news....Kim, Nick and brand new baby are coming up to Michigan next week for a I get to hug on the new grandbaby some more!!! Made my day!!!

  4. That photo is haunting! I can almost see the ghosts of pirates, long gone.

  5. Congratulations to Eva, she definitely found fog. I never had a foggy misty day, and I knew my camera would never record fog anyway. I just like having the chance to enter and see what the rest of the world is seeing.
    I am glad you are going to get to see that new grandbaby.
    Now I have to see if I can see the forest through all of the trees.

  6. That is an AWESOME photo! I'm trying to come up with a pic for the landscapes theme :o)

  7. a brilliant shot and i know it was hard, they were all so good!

  8. Congratulations to Eva, the winner. This photo of the boats is just about a perfect foggy scene. I think this is the one I would have picked. And good going to all the other runners up, and everyone who sent in a photo. They were all very good.

  9. congrats to the winner. I am way behind in reading blogs. I am transferring all my stuff to new computer and we are still working on some of our sites. Don't think I have forgotten you, just busy. thanks

  10. Joanie: yes! It is the mood in Eva's photo that is so cool!

    L.D.: Yes, I expect an entry from you for May's landscape themed contest, young man!

    VaBookworm: Oh, I am so glad! I hope you find one to enter! Hurry, time is running out!

    Brian: they sure, when are YOU going to enter??

    Ratty: You keep being mentioned as a close don't give up, keep entering your photos! Love them!

    Ann: I know how frustrating that is, when my computer went down around Xmas, I was in a panic and also got wayyy behind. I have missed you, but glad you are going to come back too! :0}

  11. Congrats to Eva... Hers was one of two that I chose. I liked Pat's the best--but both of these were great.


  12. Congratulation Eva, that is a fantastic photo. It was my favorite mostly because I love the ocean and it reminded me of a port here on the West Coast.

    I'm looking forward to the next one. I will be sending in my photo soon.

  13. Congrats to Eva, what a very beautiful picture! and Retired one: a very belated Congrats to you! Your grandson is adorable and I am so glad that he is so strong and healthy and that everything is good! He is so cute!!!

  14. Congratulations, Eva, I remember doing a little gasp the first time I saw that photo because it was so evocative.

  15. That photo is just special. It reminds me of an old painting and is truly gorgeous.

  16. Betsy: I loved both of their photos, too.

    SquirrelQueen: So glad to hear you are going to keep raise the bar for the contest and are a hard entrant to beat...but you are all winners to me...every one you all enter could be a winner, as far as I am concerned.

    Sara: Thanks Sara! And, I got the best news yesterday! They are coming up to Michigan next I will be hugging on him the entire time!

    Blissed-Out: Wow, that is quite a compliment to Eva...every photographer would LOVE to have someone gasp at looking at their photograph!

    Loree: Yes, that is the feeling I got a classic painting!!

  17. Eva's photo is great. I'm dying to know where and when it was taken. It's so mysterious looking. Like it's from another place in time.
    Love it...
    Eva, if you read this, could you tell me/us where it was taken. I want to go there!

  18. Very nice, Eva! Congratulations! Great composition!

  19. Great Job is a photo that looks like a step back in time..lovely! :)

  20. Pat: I will write her an email and ask her to do so in the comments. Great idea Pat...maybe we should ask all monthly winners to do that?! BTW, the judges ALL loved your photo too!

    New England: It was a great composition with a lot of "mood" in it...I loved yours get those birds in the scene was absolutely amazing..I look forward to each and every picture on your blog..please keep entering my contests every month. I can't WAIT to see your landscape entry with all those gorgeous shots you take of the Maine/east coast villages.

    Far Side: It really does, doesn't it?

  21. hey thr, nice blog and nice fotos .. my 'to be' hubby is also pretty interested in photography, I have told him quite some times to have an exhibition of them but he doesnt get enough time for that. His collection is great. I liked ur collection too.. keep up the good work !!

  22. The photo was taken a few years ago in Bar Harbor, Maine. We had stayed in a motel that was right on the water. When we got up in the morning, it was still foggy. We went walking and found this scene. It was too good to pass by. I had it enlarged and framed and it hangs on the wall in our den. I scanned it for the contest.

  23. Erum: You are new to my blog! Welcome and thanks..hope you sign(ed) on as a Follower! Have your hubby enter my May's free photo contest!

    Eva: thanks for the report on where and how you got the photo..very interesting...and amazing the scan turned out so well, too. I am glad you framed it, it deserves recognition in your house! Congrats again, honey!

  24. I LOVE this photo!! Congratulations to the winner!

  25. Jiente: I sooo liked everybody's photos for this category...hope you enter the landscape one for May!


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