Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Note about the April Photo Contest....

The April Photo Contest
will be delayed on my blog 
for just a few days....

I am still on my way back from Florida
and my laptop is not cooperating 
as to loading them all to the blog.

Stay tuned, and I will post them as soon as I get back to Michigan, within the next week.

In the meantime, I prepublished posts for your enjoyment 
for the next few days, so keep reading my blog 
I will get the April Photo Contest entries up for you as soon as I am able to do so.

Once again, thanks to EVERYBODY 
who entered...they are fabulous!!

When I post the April Contest Entries, I will also announce May's theme....
stay tuned!!!


  1. safe travels...sorry the laptop is not playing nice...look forward to your return...

  2. Thanks, have a safe journey.

  3. Hi Joan, Hope you have a safe trip home. We are on the way to the beach in NC today... I have my laptop too--and so far it is working well. George got me a 'thingee' from Verizon called a Mi-Fi.... I can get the internet from inside the car anywhere there is a Verizon Signal... So far--except in the 'boonies' --it is GREAT.


  4. I can understand your frustration. I love my netbook, but I adore my desktop. lol!

  5. HOpe your new grandchild is doing better! Have a safe trip home! I am hoping we can get together again soon!! I'm going to scroll down and check out the rest of your posts and photos I missed while I've been AWOL w/ this darn computer virus.

  6. I could not find a picture worthy of your theme this month. Hope to find something for May.

  7. Eva: thanks. We are STILL in Florida waiting for our little one to get out of the special nursery and come home!

    Brian: Thanks so much..still in Florida now....

    LD: Thanks, we will be careful..but still in the tropics now..will probably head home Thurs. or Friday if the little one gets better.

    Betsy: Looking forward to your photos!

    JJ: yes, the photos always look bigger clearer and better on my big computer at home too!

    Shelley: Yes, lets get together this summer for can come to our house on Lake Michigamme and we can try and get to your cabin maybe this August or Sept. too...that would be a blast.

    Loree: Ok, I am counting on it. Just gotta think of a theme now for May...I have something in mind...


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: