Thursday, May 13, 2010

Finally!.....Here They Are!! April's Photo Contest Entries!!


Although I am still having some problems with directly loading pictures using Blogger,
I am loading them using an external URL....

So, without any more delays...
here are our FABULOUS April Photo Contest entries!

In case  you forgot,
the theme for April's contest was:
"Rain, Fog, Mist or Dark Skies"

I am ALWAYS amazed at the interpretation and creativity
of all of the entries I receive every month.

And, we got EIGHTEEN entries this month!
Isn't that fantastic????

So, grab that cuppa coffee, put your feet up
and really study
each and every one of these beauties, keeping your mind on the theme!:

This one is from L.D.  He has two blogs. One is called:  "Larry's Creative Zone" and the other one is called: "Larry's Photo a Day".

This one is from Mistaya (Gail). She has two blogs. One is called "Life's Adventures--This Seasons Adventures"and the other one is called "The Life of A Rescued Pound Puppy in Her Own Words."

This one is from Anne. Her blog is called "Strawberry Jam Anne".

This one is from Cheryl. Her blog is called "Cher's Shots".

This one is from Ratty. He has three blogs. One blog is called "The Everyday Adventurer" , one is  called : "Rat Tales"
and his newest blog is called: "Nature Center Magazine".

This one is from Nancy. Her blog is called "Blissed Out Grandma".

This one is from Jientje. She has three blogs. Her blogs are called: "Heaven is in Belgium", "Heaven in Belgium" and "Heaven in 365".

This one is from J.J. Her blog is called: "The World According to JJ in L.A."

This one is from Judy. She has two blogs. One is named "Through Squirrel Eyes" and the other one is named:

This one is from DJan. She has two blogs. One is called: "D-Jan-ity" and the other one is called:
"Eye on the Edge".

This one is from Lynn. Her blog is called: "For Love or Funny".

This one is from Jill. She has three blogs. One is called: "A Bubble in the Stream of Consciousness", one is called: "That Disney Blog" and one is called: "Thumper Awards".

This one is from Eva. Her blog is called: "Wrestling with Retirement".

This one is from Mark. His blog is called "Going Like Sixty."

This one is from Pat. He has two blogs.  One is named: "As I  Saw It" and the other one is called: "Patrick Tillett, Extremely Overdue".

This one is from Connie. She has three blogs. One is called: "Far Side of Fifty". Another blog is called:
"Forgotten Old Photos". And another blog is called: "Far Side of Fifty Photos."

This one is from Grannyann. Her blog is called: "Ann Tucker's Blog."

This one is from Sharon. She has two blogs. One is called: "A New England Life" and the other one is called:

I hope I didn't forget any entries....!
With all of our traveling and the birth of our grandson, it is possible I accidently missed someone...if I did miss listing your entry, please let me know immediately, as I will be contacting judges at the end of this week to choose one winner.

I wouldn't want to be a judge this month again either, would YOU?????

Thanks to each and every one of the people that entered this month's contest...
you exceeded my expectations!
You are all just getting better and better!
and I love it!

Oh, one more thing!

May's theme for May's free Photo Contest!!!!

May's theme will be:


Any landscape you want to submit...beaches, mountains, your back yard,your farm, your neighbor's acreage...whatever your heart desires....
dig in those archives or get outside and start snapping!
Entries for May's contest must be submitted to me no later than midnight, May 31, 2010...
can't wait to see what you enter!!!
If you aren't a blogger, that is OKAY. You TOO can also enter, following THESE RULES.


  1. Wow---what great pictures, Joan.. My favorite by far is PAT.. What a gorgeous photo. I also like Eva's. I think you have some great winners this month..


  2. Every one of these is wonderful. It was a great theme and it will be impossible to choose a winner.

  3. oh wow. these are all fabulous...would be so hard to pick...

  4. What a wonderful selection! Great pics. Glad I'm not in the judges chair.

  5. This is my favorite set of photos by far.

    I love the one by Lynn!

  6. Beautiful entries. They are all pretty spectacular. I will try to make the May contest.

  7. Ok, I'm screwed...maybe I'll win Landscapes next month. lol!

  8. Betsy: I can't even narrow my favorites down to less than FIVE. ha

    Technobabe: I so agree!

    Brian: I hear you! I would so not want to be a judge.

    Cher: I know...every single one is wonderful in its own way!

    Kearsie: Aren't they wonderful??? And I expect you to enter May's contest, young lady too!

    Eva: Yes, they are. Yours included!

    Loree: Yes, I hope you DO!

    Pat: they really are!!! Keep entering each month, I really love to see what you come up with too!

  9. What a great group of photos, each one is gorgeous. I think my winning streak has come to an end.

  10. I didn't have anything for this month but WOW! Fantastic entries! I can't wait to see who wins! Good luck to all!!

  11. Wow! I really enjoyed looking at these this time. There is no way I could ever choose one winner. This one's going to be rough. Good luck to whoever has to do it. And good luck to all the entrants.

  12. Good Morning, I am visiting via L.D.'s blog and Connie (Far Side). Wow - these photos are amazing. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Oh Wow! What talent here! These are awesome. Such pretty sites. Nope, I am glad I am not judging these! Good luck!

  14. JJ: Don't count yourself out yet, young lady....we haven't heard from the judges yet! :0}

    SquirrelQueen: Same for you, Judy...we haven't heard from the judges yet, so any ONE of you could still win!!!

    Insanity: yes, they are wonderful, aren't they? And...get going on the landscape theme for May, young lady!!!

    Ratty: yes, it will be near impossible for the judges! I loved yours, is hard enough to find fog or mist, but with wildlife in it too??? wow! Keep entering...I am sure you can find some great landscape photos at those parks you walk to everyday!!

    Mildred: Welcome aboard..I am so glad you stopped by to find my blog...I love new Followers and I am thrilled you did!

    DVM's Wife: Yes, they are awesome..I am waiting for you to enter next month for the landscape have such great photos on your blog, I am sure you can come up with a great entry next month!

  15. They are such beautiful photographs - love all the creativity! I think I like Ratty's the best! (I am such an animal lover so I am naturally biased toward wildlife photos, lol!)
    How's the weather this weekend? I was suppose to go up to the cabin but then the wonderful birth of my niece happened! Next weekend I am headed up there to do some serious landscaping!
    Hope you're doing well! Tell your hubby hello from Greg and me!

  16. Wow these are some great photos..I really liked DJan's Fog..what a view, and Ratty's Deer in the Fog..awesome..and Pat's Foggy Trees..excellent..these are some very talented people!! :)

  17. The judges are going to have a tough job! All these photos are fabulous. And I'd love a pair of those Hello Kitty boots to go puddle jumping in!
    Happy weekend,

  18. Shelley: I think they are all wonderful too! The weather has been windy, rainy and chilly EXCEPT that today it is sunny and supposed to get in the high 60's and even to 70 by the weekend. WOOT!!! Take pictures of what you do at the cabin for landscaping..we will all love to see. Hi to Greg too and you guys start thinking of when you want to come to see our lake! Oh, and do you still want to go to Isle Royale? We need to plan asap!!

    Far Side: They are all so good! I can't even narrow it down much this time as to my favorites!

    Joanna: Aren't those boots adorable..and a unique take on the theme, no doubt!!!

  19. The judges are going to have a hard time picking a winner, they're all great!


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