Thursday, April 29, 2010

For the Birds.....

One thing that I love most about Spring is watching birds.

Actually, strike that....

I love watching birds pretty much ANY time of the year!!

So today, I thought I would post some photos I have taken of some birds sighted over the past few weeks.

I love the "rainbow colors" hidden in the European Starling's black feathers, and when walking by this old building,  I caught them peeking out of the roofline:

The European Starlings look very black. At first.  But if you catch them in the light?: WOW!:

Now, I see tons of Cardinals on everybody else's blogs.

And I whine.

A. Lot.

About never seeing them here.

About how shy they are when I DO see them.

So, a few weeks ago, my hubby called me away from the computer (the NERVE!)
to tell me to hurry up, he spied one lone Cardinal, hiding near our lilac bush.

So I ran for the camera and shot this shot:
(Gosh, I never get over the thrill of seeing one. They are magnificent!!)

Oooooo, I was in HEAVEN!:
But, true to soon as I took this shot, off he flew....and we haven't seen any since!

We have had woodpeckers visiting us all winter and still this spring. Just look at this cute face!:
(Maybe a little Nair around the chin might be in order?  Just sayin'...)

Love that shot of red on his head!:

And, we have been blessed all winter and still this spring with Evening Grosbeaks.
I love the males' bright yellow feathers!:

These little creatures (birds) truly enrich our lives....
next time you are outside, look up, down and all around....
at these wonders of Nature...

Don't forget to enter a photo into my FREE PHOTO CONTEST by midnight, April 30th.

You DO KNOW that is tomorrow, don't you folks?

This month's theme is:
"Rain, Mist, Fog or Dark Skies"

It is easy....just follow THESE SIMPLE RULES...
if you don't have dark skies or mist or rain or fog where you are today (or tomorrow) , dig in your archives...
go ahead...
I will even remove one rule for this's okay if you already published your prized photo on your blog, you can use it for April's contest as a bonus!

So, get it in to me by midnight tomorrow night......
I'm waitttttttttting...............................


  1. oh the markings on that first bird are all the color...

  2. Beautiful birds! Love every one of these photos!

  3. I shall think of you whenever I see a Cardinal...

  4. I love to watch the birds too and think the starlings are so beautifully coloured and just so funny to watch, stalking about and being very argumentative. Your cardinals are an amazing colour. A

  5. How do you know the name of all the birds? Hubby and I saw on a blog the top photo here bird was called grackel or something like that.

  6. Nice selection of birds; great photos. It's fun to see birds that don't live around here...or that I don't see, in any case.

  7. OK, I am putting down my camera, backing away and bowing to you the Queen.....

    The European Starling picture did me in!!!

  8. Hi Joan, Got a baby yet???????

    Love seeing your birds--and I'm thrilled that you saw a Cardinal. I thought they were like Robins---everywhere!!!!

    My post tomorrow will show some of my birds... Our Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are BACK... So pretty!!!

    Have fun in sunny Florida.

  9. Great bird photos! Especially the Cardinal! I emailed you a foggy photo, I hope you got it! :)

  10. I bet you have not seen any green pigeon before.
    I met my lifer last Saturday!

  11. Brian: Me too...and mostly they look totally black, until you catch them in the sunlight and there is a rainbow of colors in their feathers.

    Eva: Thanks so much. I love birds. Any birds!

    Kearsie: Awww, that was sweet. I get so excited whenever we see one!

    Strawberry: Thanks so much! I get soooo excited when we see them where I live.

    Technobabe: I have slowly learned over the years the names of our local birds...we bought an Audobon book and that really helps us identify them.

    Blissed out: Yes, I feel the same way about seeing other people's blogs and their bird photos.

    Bossy: You are so funny. I am so glad you liked it!

    Betsy: We have been waiting to see some rose breasted grosbeaks...we got them last spring, but hadn't seen them yet...however now we are in Florida so maybe we missed them. But if they are just getting to Tennessee maybe they are on the way up north still too. ha Yes, my new grandson is here..he weighed 7# 9 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long...lots of hair...but he had a rough start...respiratory distress. We have been holding our breath. He is in the NICU but better today. My daughter wasn't even allowed to hold him until today. He is on an IV but doing better, so we are praying he will continue to do so.

    Far Side: I got it, thanks so much for entering. I am behind in emailing people and my blog may be a little late in posting them because we are in daughter had a baby yesterday and we are here for that...he was born with respiratory distress but doing better today..he is in the NICU with an IV but today they put him off oxygen and on room air and he is doing much better.

    Rainfield: I will hop on over to your blog to see it!

  12.'s so nice to look at your pictures on my 22-inch monitor again! Love the birdie shots!

    I'm on the desktop because I got a clean bill of health today!

    Woo...hoo! : )

  13. Sometimes I can hardly get anything done for looking up, down and all around, Joan. Today a Pileated Woodpecker flew very low right over my head.

  14. Congrats on the Cardinal, he is gorgeous. I would love to see one here, but I am seeing more European Starlings this year.

    I am going now, not later, to email my photo to you. I can't believe this month has gone by so fast.

  15. JJ: Congrats on your healing and more freedom, I am so happy for you!

    Wanda: Call me Jealous. ha I LOVE pileated's as much as Cardinals...but ours are so shy we only see them in the woods too, never long enough to photograph them...they never come to our yard feeders or suet. I hope you can capture a shot or two of them!

    SquirrelQueen: So glad you are going to enter. I may have to post April's entries a little later in the next week, we are still in Florida with my new grandson and my laptop is giving me problems trying to load them onto my blog...but keep watching, I will post all the entries as soon as I can!

  16. That second to last picture is stunning! So is the one of the Starling with the rainbow colors!

  17. Jientje: Thanks so much....I love my birds. ha

  18. Beautiful Joan!
    We just don't have that many colorful birds out here...a little bit of envy here!

  19. I would love to know the camera you are using for your glorious shots? I have a little point and shoot Casio Exilim - I never get pics. that look as good as yours.


  20. Pat: no need to envy Pat, I already do that on your blog. ha

    Lindy: For those shots, I used mostly my Panasonic Lumix 18X zoom point and shoot camera..but I just got a Canon 50d DSLR and ordered a 300mm zoom lens with image stabilzation, so I hope to get even clearer ones of the birds soon too. I do love my point and shoot, it is better than some DSLR's and comsumer reports rate it very high in quality.

    Ann: Thanks so much!

  21. You did a very good job! I like both your images and writing! My daughter and I are your big fans now!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: