Monday, April 5, 2010

Fair Trade Market Magic....

Every six weeks at St. Mark's Church in Marquette, Michigan
they host a
to raise money for the poor and needy.

It has gorgeous, awesome goods from foreign countries that their artisans make.

Their wonderful, artistic goods are sold
and they get money back
to help their families.

"Sharing the Dream in Guatemala" is one of the organizations involved.  You can read about it HERE.
The Lutheran Community Foundation and the Lutheran World Relief is also involved.

The sale features handcrafted jewelry, purses, scarves, bags, wood products, garden and Easter items.

Women helping women.

I loved that idea, so of course I had to go.

The jewelry was calling my name.....(do you hear it, too?)

Here is the church's sign for the sale:

A world "mobile"...pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?:

As does this world wreath:
I loved the slogan on the wreath: "United for a Better Life".

It makes one wonder where one "fits in" on this globe of help:

Ooooo, look at the beautiful silk scarf!:

And for a person (like me!) that adores the woods and everything one can make from wood,
just LOOK at these marvelous wood spoons!:

And other products made from natural wood:

I loved all the things for sale:

Just LOOK at that adorable elephant!:
I wondered about every single person who made these things.
Who were they?
What was their family like?

Oh, gosh...the scarves!!!........And the knitted and woven purses and bags were so lovely!;

And my FAVORITE!: The jewlery!!!:

A cool bag for EVERY occasion:

Other generous shoppers:
(It's okay that I took their picture, and didn't get releases, it was a public event. Whew!)

A bird of peace windchime.
How appropriate for a "world wide" effort!:

The title of this book made me remember how many hungry people there are living on the streets
of the world.
That is not what the book was about, but it was a good reminder:

Little clay turtles.
Totally charming!:

All the women of the world:
It was whispering: "Where do you fit in when it comes to helping others?"

Look at the GORGEOUS embroidery on this vest!:



Full of work and caring.

Just like women.

Women helping women.

Who could not LOVE that concept???


  1. how very cool. love markets like that! always so much to see, so rich with culture....happy monday friend!

  2. You're right: how could anyone NOT love the concept of women helping women? Your pictures are really great, too. I recognized some of the art from countries I've visited. We also have a full-time Fair Trade clothing shop here in Bellingham, as well as Fair Trade coffee shops.

  3. Such a lovely and beautiful sets of artwork. They are certainly made by someone using their "heart".

  4. I am sure I would have left that place with my purse a lot lighter. So many beautiful things to choose from. The scarves were just beautiful and I like jewelry, too. What a great idea.

  5. Wow! What an amazing assortment! I would have spent hours browsing through all those goodies!

  6. What a great post! If you're ever in Ann Arbor, there's a Ten Thousand Villages store that you would love -- a lot of the products from the sale, and even more. Also, have you heard of Dining for Women? If you like the idea of women helping women, you would probably like it. The website is

  7. My favorite is the bird of peace. Great event for a worthy cause.

  8. how are you?
    I hopped here from brian miller's blog,
    nice to meet!

  9. Well Joan--you didn't tell us how much you spent... I'd probably be in the poor-house after going to that sale.... My favorites would be the wood working projects. We still use the wood paddles and spoons that George brought back from his time in China years ago.

    The scarves are beautiful also... Love all of the pretty colors. That wreath is gorgeous.

    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Looks like a neat sale with some unusual items rather than the same old stuff.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. That's my type of market. I love all the things that were for sale. Would probably spend too much money but I guess it doesn;t matter if it is for a good cause.

  13. Brian: Thanks Brian, it was a really neat trade fair and a wonderful concept to help needy women learn a trade and earn money independently.

    DJan: Wow, I would really like to visit those coffee shops!

    Rainfield: Yes, and all the goods are beautiful that they make.

    SouthernLady: Yes, I could have bought a LOT of things there, but I settled on one green beaded bracelet.

    Eva: I did spend a lot of time browsing...but I was careful not to buy too much.

    Joelle: I will have to go on the website. Thanks.

    TechnoBabe: The bird of peace was really pretty.

    Ji: Thanks for stopping by! Hope you come again soon and become a Follower!

    Betsy: I came away with a beautiful beaded green bracelet only...I could have bought more!

    Ann: Yes, it was a very neat sale..I hope to go back when they have their next sale again.

    Loree: I had to control myself...I bought only one thing (a beaded green bracelet)...but yes, everything was fantastic!!

  14. There were some really nicely crafted items there. It would have been fun to look at it all. I really like the carved wood items.

  15. These are all very interesting products. I like looking through things like this because it's like discovering hidden treasure.

  16. Joan I love markets and this one appears to be so special, I love the carvings from wood. I could of spent hours there my friend, love your photos and I just love how you share them with all of us.
    ........:-) Hugs

  17. I love that windchime!!

    Recently, I was asked to make and donate a bowl for a fundraiser for a place that feeds hungry families in our area. There will be 200 folks who buy a ticket, eat a meal, partake in a silent auction and leave with a bowl. All to help fill other empty bowls, and bellies of those who are hungry.

    It makes me so appreciative.

  18. So many great things at that market - and what a great concept! I would've been all over those purses!!
    P.S. I am hanging your beautiful photo in my guest room!

  19. What beautiful items for your market. The jewelry and the bags would have gone home with me! It just would have been very difficult to chose which ones to buy!

  20. L.D.: Me, too. It was all I could do not to buy too much.

    Ratty: you are so right..very unique things there.

    Bernie: I did spend a lot of time there...and of course they saw a crazy lady (me!) roaming around taking photos, too!

    Kearsie: That is a neat concept too! Yes, it is a reminder how lucky some of us are, for sure!

    Shelley: How neat! I will have to come and stay there and look up at the wall and see it. ha

    Mistaya: you are new to my blog! Welcome!! I hope you join(ed) on as a Follower!! Yes, it was difficult to decide what to buy!

  21. Some many lovely pieces it would be easy to buy too many but I hope everyone bought as much as they could. I love the concept of women helping women. We have a group here in town that sometimes does a table of fair trade merchandise at our Farmer's Market. I have a handbag and several pieces that I love.

  22. Such lovely stuffs they are selling there. I particularly like those wood stuffs. Always have. Nice blog. Will be back for more.

  23. SquirrelQueen: Yes, sales seemed to be going good there!

    Aries: Welcome to my blog! So glad you stopped by! Did you sign up to be a Follower yet? That would make my day!

  24. That peace dove is beautiful and I would probably have purchased a wooden spoon or something, they look very appealing to me!

  25. Oh, how fun! That silk scarf is just gorgeous. And what a coincidence, my birthday is coming up, did I mention that? :)

  26. Jientje: I know! I didn't get one and when I downloaded my pictures, I was kicking myself for not getting one when I was there.

    Lesley: Hahahaaaa....I know..and so is May Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor day.....heck I should've bought more things!


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