Saturday, March 20, 2010

Canyon Falls in the Winter: Part 4: Last in the Series (I promise!)

(*This post was pre-published and written about 1 1/2 weeks ago.
It has been between 55 and 65 degrees in the U.P. for the last week, and the snow is melting SO FAST here now...I am sure Canyon Falls does not look like this today...)

As you probably know, as a regular reader, this is the FOURTH (and final) of a four part series showing photos of our hike into Canyon Falls.

If you missed the first three blogposts about this trip, just keep dropping down below this blogpost and you will find them interspersed with others.

As you also know, from Part Three...we hiked all the way into Canyon Falls
only to find out that they were frozen over.

But the trip in was wonderful.

And, as every photographer knows....sometimes the journey to a destination brings you wonderful shots.

Sometimes even better than the destination.

We loved that day.

It was warm, and sunny and cheerful. The woods were quiet and so pretty.

Here were my hubby's tools of the day:
Old fashioned snowshoes!

I only fell once, and that is when I turned too quick to take a photo and forgot I had snowshoes on and tripped over my own snowshoe. (Hey, I never SAID I was coordinated!)Here was a nice surprise.

And, it was so nice to see a shot of red in all the white:

We wondered what made these in the tree?:

A woodpecker maybe???

We FINALLY reached the falls!
I was waiting to see the winter wonderland spectacle of rushing water and ice combined!!!!
But....WHERE WERE the waterfalls?????? (We only saw a wall of ice!):

But the ice was we didn't mind:

I wasn't disappointed there were no REAL falls, because the ice falls were just as intriguing.

It was time to hike back on our snowshoes, which we did, enjoying the wonderful, quiet woods along the way back to the car.

On the way home, we went exploring down a few side roads to see if we could see any wildlife.

On a ride down a side road, we saw this train....obviously "retired" for the winter:

And gorgeous, prickly thistles:

We REALLY wondered who made THIS hole...look how square it is!
Leprechauns, maybe?:

We headed home, full of memories of this wonderful outing.

Before I let you go, here are a few more pictures for you:

More of the "ice falls":

Winter peace and stillness in black and white:
I hope the peace and tranquility of winter
left you refreshed


  1. The notches in the tree was the woodpecker version of notches in his belt! Such a surprise to see the bright red in the midst of snow.

  2. you just continue to take my breath away with these...and yes the journey is what it is all about...

  3. You fall in front of a wall of waterfall, or icefall.

  4. I love the berries best! As usual, beautiful shots!

  5. I have never seen Ice Falls before and they are beautiful.
    I have visions of someone cutting the hole in the tree to hide something special.....I know I have a vivid imagination.
    Have a great weekend sweetie..Hugs

  6. They are all such wonderful photos. You saw some really different things. That tree really does puzzle me. I liked the abandoned train, waiting for the snow to melt. Frozen water falls are still spectacular.

  7. I love snowshoeing but not anymore due to no snow. Giggle. I did once have to go to the outhouse with snowshoes on or should I say off. When I got done, you know what I mean, I forgot how deep the snow was and stepped out of the outhouse and down to my hips in snow. Telling you it was hard to get back in them. Lessons.

  8. Georgeous! Everything is just beautiful! I'm going to guess it was Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers that made all those holes in a row. I believe they do that.

    Seeing pictures like this make me appreciate Winter. Though I am still glad it's finally Spring ; )

  9. Fabulous photos of a lovely day - so pleased to see it all. A

  10. TechnoBabe: We were was nice seeing the red amongst all that white.

    Brian: Just like you do with your writing!

    Rainfield: yes, I did. ha

    Eva: Yes, I loved the red berries, especially in the sun.

    Bernie: I know! It was too tall for me to reach in and see if there was something in there. ha

    L.D.: I can usually find something in the woods to take photos of when we go, that's why I love going out there so much...!

    Carol: Oh well, that is one way that you don't need toilet paper..just sink in up to your butt. ha

    New England: We don't have yellow-bellied sapsuckers up this far north, I don't think...but sure wish we did.

    Strawberry: You are new to my blog..welcome! I am so glad you stopped by and commented..come back often!

  11. If it's warmed up, I think it's time to go back for more pics. ; )

  12. Stunning photos!!!! And I think your tree was the handiwork of the Pileated Woodpecker - it looks like their type of holes. You know all the best places to go photographing. I'm going to have to start following you in my car! :-)

  13. The falls is a beautiful picture and I am wondering (also) what made such a perfect square hole in the tree.

  14. The falls are fabulous, Joan... I brought George to my computer to show him your photos. We both would love to have seen that ICY waterfall. Amazing...

    The holes in the trees are interesting ---especially that big square one... Wonder what did that????? Wow!!!!

    Thanks again for sharing your pictures. They are all fabulous..


  15. JJ: Don't worry, we'll be back there again when it warms up and all the wildflowers come out.

    Shelley: I wish we lived closer to one another..we could go out on an outing to the same places together and take would be such fun! Oh well, we can aim for Isle Royale. ha

    Grannyann: that was really a mystery to me!

    Dawn: thanks so much!

    Betsy: thanks so much. I always think of you two when I do waterfalls now...stay tuned because in a few more blogposts, I do another series on another winter waterfalls! :-}

  16. You should knock on the side of that tree with the big square hole and demand that they send you out some cookies.

  17. Those are just beautiful!!!
    I don't miss winter weather, but I do miss the photo ops. The train cars are amazing!!

  18. Ratty: Wasn't that WEIRD? When you have been in the woods, have you seen anything like that? We haven't!

    Pat: Thanks so much...I think my hubby might have thought I lost it, asking him to stop the car so I could take a picture of the train (because I usually just take nature and animals) but after he saw it, he said:
    "that looks really neat". ha

  19. Another great set, I enjoyed this! The red berries are a nice surprise!

  20. Jientje: thanks..yes it was great seeing some color out in amongst all that white!

  21. Great pictures! I would so love to see those falls in the winter. They are so gorgeous in the summer!!

  22. Jeanette: I think I have posted pictures on the blog of them in the autumn...if you go to the bottom of all the posts there is a little box called "Lijit"...just type in Canyon Falls and they should pop up..there may even be a spring photo too...and we will be going back there this spring to take some more photos, so stay tuned!

  23. Love the photo of the frozen falls, that is amazing. And you know I love B/W shots. The square hole in the tree is a good mystery, I wonder if it is man made.

  24. SquirrelQueen: thanks...I love snow pictures in black and always brings out the shadows in such neat ways....I wondered if the square hole was human but it was pretty high up on the tree and way out on the makes you wonder though!


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