Sunday, February 7, 2010

Yes, folks...your hard earned tax money is paying for stuff like this.....

Every now and then, I like to share some news stories, so that you will remain on top of things and fully informed.
You know, "inquiring minds want to know".....
that type of thing.
So, when I saw THIS news article, you KNOW I had to share it with all of you...

A December National Public Radio report noted that fake houseflies
have begun appearing in urinals around the world based apparently
on research showing that men are more likely to aim at the flies,
thus leaving the area surrounding the urinal cleaner. Another
commentator wondered how such "research" was conducted (other
than by the obvious method of paper-wiping floors around urinals
and then comparing the wipes). [Daily Telegraph, 12-11-09]
[KPCC Radio (Pasadena, Calif.), 12-25-09]

All I can say is:

Men blogger readers, can you PLEASE explain this to us women? Seriously, I really want to understand.

Does it stem (no pun intended) from the old childhood thing about boys peeing in the shape of their name in the snow? Is Freud right? Do women have penis envy? (I know I do whenever we are in the woods and I must balance myself over a log while the hubby (like my digital camera): just points and shoots.

And, who came up with this study? It isn't like a cure for cancer research study, for cryin' out loud...who PAID for this study??? Me and you, fellow taxpayers? Who is accountable for spending money on this?

Because I need to contact them....I have this hypothesis that consuming chocolate while a hunk of a man massaging you for hours makes you lose weight and I gotta get into the control group to try it out.....


  1. All I can really say about this one is, if you could aim wouldn't you do it too?

  2. Ratty: I hate to admit this, but heck yes! I would probably write the Declaration of Independence---because no more womanly monthly pain, labor pains or all the other wonderful things that we endure. ha


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