Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Waterfalls!

Even though I have a fractured foot
I managed to get into the woods!

I had a special place in mind where I figured if the road was plowed, we could get to where I wanted to go.

Luckily, the road was plowed and we got to a small set of waterfalls
that I had been waiting to capture in the snow and ice.

I made my husband help me hobble to the best viewing of the falls
so that I could get some shots of it.

He is such a trooper!

Help me, he did and we got to get several shots of some amazing ice formations.

It was a gorgeous day, sunny and in the 30's.

But just LOOK at what we were blessed with:

Wonderful ice shelfs and open waterfalls with water rusing over the edge!

I love open water and snow in the same scene. Add a waterfall and some ice formations, and well, heck...it just doesn't get better than that!:

There is a little bridge that goes over the top of the falls, but we couldn't walk on it due to my foot. Maybe next year!:

I could do macros of the ice formations forever...they are so different everywhere you look!:

Lovely, lovely waterfalls and ice and snow!:

And for black and white photos? A dream!:

Doesn't it look like Snufalofagus is dipping into the water in this shot?:

Bridge over winter heaven:

Oooooo....more ice!:

So pretty:

And stalagmites and a crystal ice shelf??!

Be still my heart:

I was so glad I begged my husband to take me there.....
and so grateful he did.

We both had a great time.

I got so many macros of the ice formations, I will have more photos of them for you tomorrow!


  1. THESE ARE TOTALLY AWESOME SHOTS!!! And your hubby deserves a reward! I must have missed a story; what did you do to your foot??

  2. Fractured foot? What did I miss? The shots are incredible, as usual.

  3. Joan, I think I must have missed something...How did you fracture your foot? (I love these ice photos; just beautiful!)

  4. Pretty Perfect is what your photos are Joan. The foot fracture has me commiserating...I broke my ankle in 3 places 2 yrs. ago at Christmas, one reason I started blogging. Hope you heal quickly, so you can cross that bridge!

  5. You do take the most amazing photos! thanks for sharing. I always look forward to your posts!

  6. Wow! Beautiful and you did have a nice sunny day!

  7. i know i say it every day...but these pics are amazing. that first one took my breath away...the texture...what a wonderful place. i have to go for a hike this afternoon now.

  8. Cathy: Thanks! Believe it or not, I worked so hard on a treadmill that one night my foot ached and ached..I went and got it Xrayed and I had a stress fracture...have to wear a removable boot cast for a few weeks..I get it reXrayed tomorrow and will find out if it is healing or not.

    Joanie: Thanks!

    DJan: thanks! I overdid it walking on a treadmill very fast and hard for a few weeks and it began being very painful...went and got it Xrayed and found out I got a stress fracture on my right foot. I am wearing a removable cast and see the Ortho Doc tomorrow for another Xray so we can track the progress of the healing. Sigh. Only I can get hurt exercising. ha

    Lynn: Thanks...see explanations above regarding my foot. That's what I get for exercising. ha

    Wanda: thanks honey. I have been wanting to snowshoe into some really pretty spots, but now I have to wait...dang!!!

    Eva: Back atcha..I wait for your humor too.

    Jeanette: yes, it was gorgeous out there!

    Brian: Yay! Then I reached my goal...to get more folks to get outside this time of year....because before photography, I was pretty much a couch potato in the winter. ha

  9. The first one is an art piece. Magnificient.

  10. How did I miss that you fractured your foot? So sorry to hear that, hope it heals quickly!
    Those pictures were definitely hobbling out there for. You have so much natural beauty where you live!

  11. I have had bones broken in my foot and that is so painful. I hope yours will heal fast. It is so hard to walk and it is hard not to walk.
    The waterfalls are so special and your shots of them fantastic. Our blizzard is done for now and we are just so very cold. Do take care and don't over do on that foot. It hurts!!! I know.

  12. Oh wow! I'd never get to see that here. I am sure that was worth the trek!

  13. Kearsie: It was a nice day, so there wasn't too much Brrrr going on that day. ha

    Rainfield: isn't it great when nature provides us art pieces!

    Catherine: yes, we do...I really didn't appreciate it half as much until I was a photographer, but now I am in constant awe. Isn't it funny how life provides you wake up calls?

    Mitr: I haven't heard from you in a while...it is so good to have you back!

    L.D.: Boy it did hurt BAD for about 3 days, but now, if I wear the cast most of the day, it is so much better..only if I step on it the wrong way, then it reminds me.

    Dreamwalker: yes, it was! I can't wait for my foot to heal so I can snowshoe into some other areas I want to capture before spring comes!

  14. Oh Joan, I love LOVE LOVE these photos. Awesome!!!! The 3rd from the top is a fav --with the sun coming through. I love the one showing the bridge also. AND --the one from above is awesome....

    Oh My Heart----I am coming!!!!! WELL--as soon as my hubby buys that private jet for me...ha

    Thanks for these.

  15. Gorgeous water pictures!! Makes me cold tho

  16. The joy that your outing brought will probably help you heal faster anyway!!
    Your enthusiasm is contagious. The shot from the bridge looking down on the waterfall is so peaceful.
    The very first picture is like jewels.They are all wonderful.

  17. Absolutely breathtaking Joan, love the bridge over heaven scene. Hope your foot is healing well and yes I too think you have an awesome husband........:-) Hugs

  18. Beautiful doesnt even explain the pics that you took, all I can say is wow
    and be careful with that foot of yours
    Take care

  19. Spectacularly beautiful, I can feel the cold air, hear the babbling of the brook, delight in the beauty as though I were right there. Where is it you live? Lucky you to have this scenery close to you!

  20. Wow! These are awesome shots Joan!! Perfect lighting. It must be so neat to see nature up close like that!! Great post!!

  21. Haha! Just when I was thinking "So pretty!"...I read "So pretty:"

    Love these!

  22. Ohhhhh so lovely! Truly amazing to catch in a picture and enjoy in real life! I bet it was just amazing! I could totally see taking a warm beverage and some blankets and chairs and enjoying that for a while! So nice!

  23. I'm so glad you begged your husband too! Please tell him I said THANK YOU!

    This pictures are STUNNING!

    Wow, just, wow!


  24. So many beautiful ice formations. Hope your foot gets better soon.

  25. Wonderful man-made falls! I can only imagine how beautiful it must be in the summer too! Great captures Joan. I really like the black and white images.

  26. What a sweetie he is to take you there! And what a daredevil you are to go there with a fractured foot! I would do exactly the same, and my hubbs would take me there too! ;-)

  27. Betsy: You can come visit us in the U.P. anytime!!! You would find so many nature shots here, especially with your love of hiking.

    Grannyann: Ha, you would be cold probably...but the beauty of nature would warm you. :-}

    TechnoBabe: Thanks so much! I loved going there and taking these for you all too.

    Bernie: yes, he is awesome...he spoils me rotten and is a great nature partner to go look for photo opps. ha

    Sara: Thanks honey...I see the Ortho Dr. tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that he lets me stop wearing the boot and that it has healed.

    RNSane: Thanks so much. We live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan...not the part of the state that is shaped like the mitten, but the strip of land above that on Lake Superior, across from Canada. It is loaded with nature and wilderness and really is quite beautiful. Just cold, long winters.. ha

    Ginnymo: Yes, it is gorgeous in person here too.

    JJ: yes, it really was so pretty...you just have to put up with the cold along with it, too. :-}

    Insanity: Well, we pretty much enjoyed it quickly, hobbled back to the car and turned up the heater. ha

    Joanna: I told him you thanked him and he laughed...don't encourage him to say I am spoiled now...ha

    Loree: The ice formations are my FAVORITE in winter falls.

    New England: Thanks. I hope to snowshoe in to some "non manmade falls" soon too, to get more shots..but my foot has to heal first. :-}

    Jientje: I know you would!!! :-) He really is a sweetie, I am very, very lucky.

  28. Oh wow, gorgeous shots of the ice and water. The fall is so pretty and it has created some fabulous patterns.

    My duck post wasn't actually planned. We have had fog and clouds for weeks. I had another post almost ready last night but the more I looked at it the more I realized how depressing it looked, it was so dark. The duck photos were taken last week when we got a quick peek at the sun. I'll save the dark gloomy post for a sunny day, lol.

  29. I would love to be able to stand on that bridge. I don't think there can be any better combination than a bridge and a waterfall.

  30. SquirrelQueen: You crack (or QUACK!) me up...I am like you...I yearn for different kinds of shots when I post a lot of one type, especially in the winter...one can only take so much gloom and snow, right? I loved your duck shots!

    Ratty: I can! Trout jumping the falls at the same time. ha I still will try to catch some this spring...it is the neatest thing if you can find a spot where they are trying to get upstream to spawn.


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