Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Snowy Scenes

We like to go into the woods right after a significant snowfall.

I love the way all the trees have tons of snow on them.

Like this little tree.

Just look at the pile of snow on it's branches!:

Even bare branches had SO much on them:

And I love the less-traveled roads in the winter:
It is so quiet out there.

When the road curves, you can't even see what is ahead.....

All day long, the sun was trying hard to come out.
This is the closest it came...
just a glow in the sky:

Believe it or not, this is a river.
That little "C" is the only open spot.
And if you look close, you can also see some deer tracks in the middle of the river up towards the top of the photo:

This is looking to the side of the road, into the woods!
Snow, snow everywhere!:

Another lovely winter wood scene:

This branch laden with snow was hanging over our truck when I stopped to take a picture.

I am hoping the sun comes out sometime this week, so I can get out and take some more shots in the woods....

I prepublished this, it was actually written on 1/12/10...

Did ANYONE see the sun during that week?

By the time this post is published (on the 19th) the weatherman is telling us we will have sunny, warmer weather then....hope he is right!!

P.S. Don't forget to submit your photo to my amateur photo contest by the 31st of January..this month's theme is "something rusty". I KNOW you can find something...keep looking..I already have a few submissions, but we need more photos for a larger contest...c'mon everybody! Send in a photo!!


  1. Absolutely stunning photos, as usual! Unreal that those fragile looking little pine branches could hold so much snow!

  2. So beautiful, Joan! I can hear the quiet when I look at those photos.

  3. beautiful. feels like i am walking in a winter wonderland!

  4. The photos are beautiful, but I'm anxious for spring! lol

  5. I anticipated that you would have some beautiful snow pictures and I was not disappointed! These are gorgeous!

  6. Gaston: I love it when nature provides beauty for us to capture on camera, don't you?

    Lynn: yes, it is beautifully tranquil out there when we go. Sometimes we roll down our truck windows and drive very slowly and all we hear is the crunch of the tires in the snow.

    Brian: That is so funny, because they often refer to where I live (The Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan) as the "winter wonderland" whenever it is marketed in the winter!

    Eva: Me too, but here we won't see spring coming until around April, and we have even gotten snow in May.

    Jeanette: Thanks so much!

  7. It reminds me of the snow we had in Colorado. Here I have to travel up to the high country to see it, and yes, it's beautiful and quiet and you captured it perfectly!

  8. Fabulous snow pictures, Joan... That is the kind of snow I love--and one I see so rarely. I love those 'wet' snows that cling to everything--and love seeing the photos of the evergreens with snow on them. Fabulous!!!! Thanks!


  9. This is for the very first time i am visiting your Blog but i must say i would love to be back !! Photos are fantastic !! Great..

  10. And these shall be the photos for the WINTER WONDERLAND themed calendars.

    Dude. Stick with me and I shall make you rich.

  11. Now that is snow the way I love to see it!

  12. What a marvelous time I've just had looking at your slide show and the beautiful snowy pictures. You are an incredible photographer!

  13. DJan: Thanks! Most of the snow on the trees has melted off but we have plenty on the ground yet. We will get more storms yet and I will take more photos then too. :-}

    Betsy: Thanks...I love it when the snow clings on everything too...I always check when I get up to see if we got that kind of snow during the night so I know whether or not to rush out to get photos. ha

    Unseen: Welcome to my blog! I am so glad you stopped and look forward to you coming back.

    Sounds: OK...I am waiting for the BIG BREAK. ha I did enter two photo contests this month, but they won't announce any place winners until months from now. It is fun to think I might be in the running though!

    Sharkbytes: I love the tropics, but I do love our snow now and then too. :-}

    RNSane: Thanks so much, you made my day!

  14. I sure miss snow like that, thank you for posting them for me to enjoy! :)

  15. ah ha more of my favorites - snow scenes. I am using one of the previous of the snow on the fir tree branches as my background.

  16. so beautiful and peaceful!I feel like printing out all the pics in black and white and pasting them all over my office!

  17. It's been raining on and off since Sunday. 6-8 inches is predicted by Friday. It's 53 degrees at 4:45 pm.

    I want it to be 76 again!

  18. These are A+ beautiful photos! You are so talented!!!!
    Miss ya - hope to blog some more and catch up this week. This school thing is bogging me down!

  19. I love your winter pics, you captured winter's beauty

  20. I love all your photos!! It always looks so peaceful when there's a lot of snow on the country roads and it's quiet. I used to love that about winter. When I was younger I used to go for rides and hope I'd never see anyone else..LOL The snow melted here a lot over the weekend. It did snow a little this morning. It looked pretty again. I kind of wish we'd get a foot of it..Ha! As long as I had already gotten my supplies and could stay inside. Take care!!

  21. What a beautiful winter wonderland. I can send you some sun if you will send some s now over here :) Heck, I thought the competition was closed. I will send in a photo today or tomorrow then.

  22. I love new snow like this. It looks so fresh and clean, and it brings that quality to everything around it. We've had warmer weather, but the sun still seems to be hiding on most days.

  23. Insanity: No problem! Do you want me to send you some by UPS?

    Grannyann: Look at your cute face in your picture! I am glad you liked the snow pictures..hopefully I can get out there and capture some more. I worked too hard on my treadmill and got a fracture in my right foot so I am wearing a removable cast for a few weeks. (sigh!)

    Roshni: You have my permission to print them out if you want to use them in your office. That would be neat if anyone asks you where they were taken. Tell them the U.P. of Michigan from a crazy blogger lady.

    JJ: I heard about your rain. It is sounding like it will get worse and dangerous mud slides are going to happen. I wish you the best and hope you are far, far away from any hills there.

    Shelley: I have been missing your blogging like crazy...but I understand how school must take priority and it sucks up MOST of your time...been there! I went back to school when my kids got into gradeschool (in the 80's) when I was in my late 30's. I think back now and wonder how I did it! But it was all worth it, as I graduated and ended up making more of an income than my husband for over 20 years.

    Sara: Thanks so much. I loved being out there taking them.

    Ginnymo: I know what you mean. I love being out there alone. Very serene and tranquil.

    Loree: Yipee! I am so glad you are sending in a photo to the contest. Nope, it isn't over until Jan. 31st at midnight...so you and everybody have some more time to get them to me.

    Ratty: We are getting warmer weather too, but we still have plenty of snow! We are supposed to get sun for the next 4 days, so hopefully I can get out and get some nice sunny snowy scenes with my camera, too.

  24. I love these shots. We have to see the beauty in winter as much as the other seasons!

  25. Beautiful!

    I haven't forgotten the contest. I already have one picture but I want to see if I can make a better one.

  26. Jenn: Yes, there is a LOT of beauty in winter, it is just more uncomfortable to be out enjoying it.

    Jientje: I am so glad you haven't forgotten the contest..am waiting to see what you submit! Can't wait!

  27. I can think of few sights more beautiful than the woods just after a snowfall. Your photos are gorgeous.

    I'll get a photo out to you in the next day or two, I can't decide which one to send.

  28. SquirrelQueen: Thanks so much...you are sending ME a photo???? So cool!!! I can't wait!!!


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