Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy NEW YEAR!!!!!....and the theme is.......

Happy New Year everyone!!!
I wish you the BEST year of your life YET!

For those of you that don't know about:

The Retirement Chronicles'
Amateur Photography Contest...
please go back
and read

So, that means that I am announcing the
first contest's EVER
theme TODAY!!!!!

Are you ready?

Here goes:

January 2010's
Amateur Photography Contest's

"Anything Rusty"


Yep, that is the first theme.

Interpret it anyway you think.

Just e-mail me ONE PHOTO entry of your interpretation of that theme into the e-mail listed in the additional set of rules at the end of this blogpost no later than midnight, EST on January 15th, 2010 and let the games begin!!!!

And a clarification of the judging: If the three random judges chosen to view all of the submissions received each pick three different winning photos, only the three winning photos will be provided to a new, final judge and his/her vote will determine the final pick/winner for that month's contest.

So, blow the dust off that old camera and get hunting! Or, fire up that new camera you got for Christmas and get hunting! Or, if you have a huge archive of photos that you have never published yet and you think you have one that fits the January theme, get hunting!!!

I can't wait to see what you all will be submitting!!!

To be fair, I will blog post ALL of the entries received so everybody can see what was submitted to the contest, starting AFTER the deadline (after Jan. 15th) , (so no one can see them until they are all entered)....

Here are the additional set of rules:

Amateur Photography Contest
Send your entry photo as an attachment in an e-mail to: along with ALL of the following information:
1. State your real name.
2. State your e-mail address
3. State your mailing address.
4. If you have a blog, state the NAME of your blog AND your BLOGGER NAME.
5. If you have a blog, state the exact address of your blog.
6. If you do NOT have a blog, tell me what name you want used on my blog to identify your entry (either your real name or a code name).
7. Send a reasonably-sized file attachment of your entry photograph. Extra large files will endanger my computer, so PLEASE do not send huge electronic files via your submission.
8. You must already be (or immediately become) a Follower of The Retirement Chronicles blog to enter. If you have not already done so, please do this before sending your entry via an e-mail to the above address.
9. Please e-mail your photo before 12 pm on the last day of the month of the current contest.
10. Do not send any photos for entry that have already been published.
11. If the month’s theme involves a photograph of a person, please make sure you obtain and keep in your files : written permission of the subject of your photograph. If the subject is less than 18 years of age, you must obtain their parent’s dated, written permission before submitting the photo to the contest. The Retirement Chronicles blog site will hold the person sending in the photo for the contest responsible for getting written permission for the photo before it appears on its blog.
12. Please only submit ONE photo entry per month.
13. Please do not submit the same photo for any two themes or for more than one month.
14. Please keep a copy of the email you sent in with your photo file attached. If you do not hear from me within 7 days of sending in your entry (by getting an e-mail from me that says I received it), then your entry is considered incomplete/not received, and this will be your backup for your file.
15. The photo must be of appropriate content. No nudity or pornographic content will be tolerated or published. The Retirement Chronicles has the right to reject any photo from the contest that is deemed inappropriate. Any one submitting inappropriate photos will be reported immediately to the blog host site and to authorities, if needed.
Also remember the rules that were posted in the 12/30/09 blogpost in The Retirement Chronicles.
--you must not be a professional photographer
--the photo taken must be your original work and no one else’s
--the photo submitted should not have been published any where else prior to this contest

Thanks so much…..and good luck to each and every one of you!


  1. Sounds like great fun...I'm a bit rusty myself, now that I've retired, and am sitting at this damn computer all the time!

  2. Great theme! I already have a pic in mind.....
    BTW, a suggestion in case sending files from strangers to your computer becomes a problem. You can open a "free" Flickr account and create your own group, that people can add their pictures to. Then you can easily put those pics on your blog.
    I'm glad you are doing this photography contest!

  3. SquirrelQueen: So start digging in your many photos or get out there and find some rust! ha

    RNSane: haha...I am a bit rusty after retirement too (in SOME areas) but am learning a LOT in other areas to stay "oiled". ha

    Eva: Loving it! Can't wait to see what you find and submit. I am getting myself all excited. ha

    Jientje: It will be such fun to see what each and everyone of you submits. We are going to have a lot of fun this year.

    Brian: yes, me too. Rust is only the traces of time on an object. (By the way, I am pretty rusty then, by my own definition). ha

    DVM's Wife: I will look into opening a Flickr account and if I can do it that way, I will announce it on the blog in a few days...if I need your help, I will email you. Thanks again for your great suggestion, what a great idea!

  4. Happy New Year, Joan. Sounds like you are getting alot of excitement on your photo contest... I talked to hubby and right now--we will 'pass' on entering. I will however look at the various themes and if something interests me, I may just enter... I don't think I have taken a picture of anything rusty in my entire life... BUT---I've seen photos on blogs where people love to take pictures of odd stuff like this...

    Hope you have a wonderful day.

  5. That's a cool idea, Joan! I like your energy behind this project! If you need any help, let me know :)

  6. Betsy: No problem, enter any month(s) you want pressure! However, part of the idea of the photo contest is to encourage folks to look around for things you normally wouldn't photograph...not only to get you to see beauty in things that you normally wouldn't think of taking photos of, but to get us all outside this time of year on a treasure hunt to find something different to photograph...Just a thought! You might want to bundle up, go for a ride and go "hunting" for something rusty to might be fun. :-)

    Insanity: Woo Hoo!!!

    Susanne: I sure will let you know. I am bummed I won't get any of yours, as you are definitely a professional. Hey, if you want to send one to me via e-mail to show what you would have submitted, I would be thrilled and will not use or publish it. (You can watermark it large if you are worried). ha

  7. This is going to be a rough one for me. I've taken thousands of photos, but I don't recall any with something rusty. I guess I'll have to do something new. This will be fun, but I can see by the other commenters that I'm up against some better competition than I am with this one.

  8. Ratty: I am so glad it will be a challenge for you and others, because that is part of the get us all to stretch our talents and imagination. I just know you will do a great job...don't even worry about the competition...the prize is in doing the exercise and learning,no?


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: