Friday, December 4, 2009

I Got Him: Part ONE

Remember my whining about not being able to get a Cardinal on camera???

So it went down like this:
We got the foggiest day we have had yet this fall.
I look out the window at the lake, like I always do.
And there.
Sitting in the apple tree...
in the FOG
was my elusive Cardinal!!!!
I run to get my camera...
And he sees me coming to the window.
I thought for SURE he would fly.
Instead, he tries to HIDE:

He thinks the branch is hiding him:

But I was patient.
And he finally relaxed a little.
He started downright showing off:
Showing me his wonderful backside.
His gorgeous plumage.

And then, he gave in.
He blessed me with a front shot:

But enough was enough.
He flew:

But at least I got some chances to catch him on camera.
But, wait....
he came right back!!

To give me some more chances!:

I wished it was a clearer day to get clearer shots.
But hey, I wasn't complaining!!!
He gave me some time to catch his gorgeous self:

And so much so, that I have enough for a second blogpost!
Stay tuned for Part TWO...


  1. He's beautiful great shot!

  2. They are beautiful birds and you captured him perfectly!

  3. They say the red ones are very rare, is that true?

    Nice shots!

  4. i think he is just playing with really likes the camera. beautiful shots, as always.

  5. Great photo's Joan, I love the red color and you captured his personality beautifully...:-) Hugs

  6. Wow! He is so bright and beautiful, even on an overcast day. So nice to see one. I don't know if they are ever over here in the Pacific Northwest, I've never seen one anyway.

  7. He really is a handsome fella, isn't he? Bet his wife's a beauty, too!
    Good job!

  8. I love Cardinals, last winter we had 18 at the feeders all at once!

  9. Yay! They are hard to capture with your camera. I saw a pair a couple weeks ago in North Carolina and they were so pretty!

  10. I'm your 197th follower, you can thank Lesley for that. I came from her city. Now you can add my name to the bag. :) I love these pics. Cloudy or not they came out great!

  11. Oh --don't you just love the Cardinals???? Such gorgeous birds for sure... And their colors really show--when there's not much other color around...Beautiful pictures!!!

  12. Shy cardinals in your part of the world? Wow, they're all over the place down south and don't shy away at all... maybe it's the warmer weather, slower pace thing.

    Great shots!

  13. Ashley: Thanks. I was wishing it wasn't foggy though...but it does add a kind of nice effect to the shots.

    Vickie: Thanks.He is really beautiful. I hope he comes all winter because he will look gorgeous in the snow.

    Eva: Thanks!

    Jientje: In some areas they are quite common....but where I live, it is not real often for us...the bright red is the male.

    Brian: He isn't playing with me, Brian, he is TORTURING me. ha

    Bernie: The little devil. ha Do you get Cardinals where you live?

    DJan: The first time I saw one in our area was last year. I was so upset because there were two bluejays in the same tree and it was would have made SUCH a gorgeous shot of the red white and blue and then it flew by the time I got my camera out then. So needless to say, I am hoping it happens again this winter!!

    Lucy and Dick: A devil boy, that is why he is red. ha

    Joanie: Thanks, Sweetie. They really are so pretty.

    Sandi: I looked for his wife too, but she didn't come around. I have only seen her once down by the lake and I couldn't get her in the lens, she was behind a branch and then flew off! But I will keep looking.

    Darla: Thanks so much!!

    Wanda: EIGHTEEN all at ONCE??? I would have been hysterical trying to capture them all on camera. I am insanely jealous. ha

    Ellie: Thank you LESLEY and thanks Ellie! I hope you visit the blog often, and consider your name in the bag of choices for the prize!

    DVM's Wife: Did you get any pictures of the ones you saw?

    Betsy: Yes, it was dark and foggy and there was that flash of beautiful red. Loved it!

    Gaston: Yes, they are rare to see here. I know when we visited my cousin in Savannah last year they were all over the place. I got photos of hers last year...but it is such a thrill for us to see them here.

  14. The cardinal is lovely, but I have spotted the lonely apple.

  15. I saw this post on my list when it was first up, but later when I came back to look for it again I couldn't find it! It has been hiding from me the same way your cardinal was hiding. You got great pictures of that cardinal. I knew you would, and I knew he would finally give in. I know what a great feeling it is when you finally get the one you were looking for.

  16. Rainfield: Yes, believe it or not, even though we have had frost and even snow, we have some apples still hanging (frozen) on the trees and it attracts birds.

    Grannyann: Yes, a pretty, pretty bird!

    Ratty: I just hope they stay here all winter..they are so beautiful against the snow!

  17. Dreamwalker: I am glad you "liked" it! (smiles)

  18. He is so handsome, even in the fog that beautiful red still comes through. I love it when they think they are hiding behind a branch. Great captures.


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