Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cedar Waxwings: Part TWO!

As promised, here is Part Two of my two part series on
the wonderful Cedar Waxwings that flew into our apple orchard.
I was lucky that they flew into our front yard orchard, where the lighting was better than it was in the first set of pictures I posted.

His colors show up so much nicer in the sun!:

I love his head crest!:

Here are three of them on the same branch, happily munching on apples:

He looks so regal!:

And he even looked the other way to give me his "other" profile!:

They were having quite the buffet of apples!:

They even eat upside down!:

I caught the one on the right in flight!:

They haven't been back since I caught them on camera that day, so I am really glad I was home when they stopped by to feast on the apple trees.

P.S. A reminder that I pre-published this blogpost. As you read this today, I am actually in Florida visiting my daughter. I will be checking my comments as I can get WiFi at the hotel and will be trying to stop by your blogs now and then too. I will get caught up with your blogs that I don't get to read when I return. Thanks again for continuing to read my blog while I am enjoying some southern sun. I will be capturing some tropical scenes down there to post for you when I return.


  1. I had no idea that these birds exsisted they are so pretty!!

  2. What a fantastic bird! And your photos are wonderful - as usual.
    You need to put these on a website where you can get some royalties from them!

  3. i think the second pic is my fav...his colors show up perfectly. great job on the snaps! looking forward to some florida pics!

  4. You must have been stuck right up in the tree, you're so close! Awesome!

  5. Great photos. Nice of them to gather in the sun for you!

  6. As I sit in the deep freeze at least I get to enjoy your wonderful pictures...they are so clear Joan, I love the one of eating the apple upside down...Be safe...luv ya.....:-) Hugs

  7. Eva: I hope the poor little things got out of Upper Michigan before the blizzards hit, though! I am afraid when we get back, some our beloved birds were lost.

    Sara: they only come to see us in spring and fall for the last two years. We hope they return in the coming spring.

    GoingLikeSixty: I am going to look into that this winter..any ideas what sites to start with?

    Brian: trying my best to get some...but can you believe has been foggy MOST of the days here. I did catch one day where it was clear and went and got some exotic birds here too...which I LOVE.

    Lucy and Dick: Thank goodness for point and shoot zoom lens. ha

    Blissedout Grandma: I was very lucky that they went to the other side of the house because it was still foggy out on the other side.

    Bernie: We have been watching the Weather Channel and all that snow! I called home today and they said we got 18 inches already. We had NONE when we left just a week ago. We are lucky we didn't have to drive in the storms down..we brought a used car for my daughter and will be flying home. So now we are hoping Detroit doesn't get all backed up and not let us fly back home on Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed!

  8. They are so pretty and sort of regal.

  9. They are really beautiful birds. I love that crest. That last picture with the wings spread is excellent.

  10. Well, Joan, I'd be willing to bet it looks a bit snowier there now!!
    We got 12", and I saw on the weather channel the U.P. was getting nailed too. Ah, winter-I love it so!
    Really-I do!!!

  11. Just beautiful! Have only seen these birds in photo books; you're so lucky to see them for real.

  12. Grannyann: yes, they do...but they chatter so cute when they are eating.

    Ratty: I liked that one was purely by accident with using the fast shutter setting on my camera. Don't you love that when it happens? ha

    Sue: I don't like it as much as the other seasons in the U.P., but I agree it can look beautiful and I need to learn to snowshoe more to get out and get some winter photographs...which I hope to do this winter.

    Gaston: Yes I know we are lucky. They only come twice a year for a few days...we have been lucky to have been home the last few times they have come through.

  13. Isn't it great when we're at the right place at the right time?! Great pictures, I think these are some of the neatest looking birds.
    Hope you're having a good trip.

  14. What gorgeous pictures! Regal is an excellent description for these guys! Thanks for sharing/

  15. Wow! The only time they come to us is when the mulberry tree is loaded. Really great shots!

  16. Hi- I have chosen this blog as one of the 20 Charter Inductees into a Favorite Nature Blog feed. I've been building it over the last few days, and plan to start promoting it tomorrow. See

    Over the next few months I would like to "interview" each of the bloggers, and do one post on each person.

    Hoping that this will bring a little more traffic your way.

    Celebrating Nature, sharkbytes

  17. Fabulous. One of my favorite birds. I heard once that cedar waxwings choose a different migration route each year, so they might never show up in the same place at the same time again. True? We had them in our yard in Oregon once but I never saw them again. On the other hand, I was working back then and may have missed them in subsequent years. Our other sightings of them have been when we're traveling.

    Your pictures are amazing. Tx for sharing

  18. Hope you're enjoying your trip and the snippets of warmth! Lovely pix as always Joan! :)

  19. CAtherine: I love those birds..Our trip has been lovely visiting my daughter, but the weather was only nice for a few days out of the nine. Today is our last day in Florida (we fly back to Michigan tomorrow) and luckily it was 80 and sunny today and we had a wonderful time.

    Joanna: You are welcome! thanks for reading my blog so faithfully and commenting so often, I really appreciate it.

    Sharkbytes: you have a mulberry tree? You will have to post it sometime, I don't think I have ever seen one.
    Thanks SO MUCH for naming my blog as one of your top twenty! I will check it out when I get back from my trip next week for sure! I will love to be a guestblogger and feel quite honored. You are terrific!

    Sallie: That is fascinating! I know that they have come for two springs and two falls now and only stay here for about 2 or 3 days at a time. I don't know if they are the same birds or if we just have been lucky to have had them for 2 years/cycles.

    Insanity: Thanks so much. I loved seeing these birds..sure hope they return to us next spring.

  20. If I am those birds, I'll eat the apples.

  21. Rainfield: I know you like the apples too. ha

  22. Oh, lovely captures. I really like the one you caught in flight. They are very pretty little birds, regal describes them well.

  23. SquirrelQueen: I got the shot of him in flight purely by accident (not talent! haa) Thanks to the shutter speed feature of my camera, it freeze-framed him. I loved those birds. And you should hear the cute little noises they make when they are eating. I will have to play with my video feature of my camera some time and film a video of them doing it. That will be my goal by spring. :-}


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