Saturday, December 19, 2009

And the WINNER IS>>>>>>!!!!

Remember when I promised that when I hit 200 or more Followers, I would put all the names in a hat and have my husband pick one of my Followers to get a prize????

Well, this is the time!!!

Because I am lazy, I didn't really physically put the names in a hat, but without telling my hubby the system of how anyone is listed, I just asked him to pick a number between 1 and 202 and randomly numbered people on the printout. Then he chose a number and HERE is who won!!!!:

Congratulations to:

Pearl from "Pearl...why you little.."
(who just happens to have 373 Followers of her own! If you haven't been to her blog, do so...she is hilarious!! One of my favorite reads!)

Congratulations, Pearl....I was jumping up and down from joy when he picked your name by number!

You have been picked out of my 202 Followers to win my THANKS FOR FOLLOWING MY BLOG prize!

And what did you win (you ask nervously!)????

Can we hear a DRUMROLL.....PLEASE??????

(Well, I hope I can come through with the prize I hoped to give, I will explain more in a minute)!

You have won:

one 8 X10 of ANY PHOTOGRAPH I have published on my blog thus far.

(There is just one computer crashed this week! It is in the shop as I type this and HOPEFULLY I will have the exact picture you choose to send to you!)

I have several saved on CD's and already have them available and he is (hopefully!) retrieving the rest of them from my external hard drive, so I can retrieve the one you choose. My computer is supposed to be back by next week.

So here is what you need to do to get your prize:

1. Answer my email and comment on this blogpost that you see that you have won.
2. Send me ( your email address (if I didn't email you yet) and in your e-mail, send me your name and address to send the photo you want to.
3. Name the date and TITLE of my blogpost where you picked your picture from and describe the picture so I know which one it is you want.

*In the unlikely event that the person who won does NOT get back to me within the next week, I will REDRAW a name and let the runner-up know then.

Once again, thank you to each and every one of you for reading my blog, signing on as a Follower and for your wonderful comments.

I am hoping and praying that I get my computer back safe and sound and that the tech gurus were able to save all of the pictures in my computer's memory and external hard drive.....!

I can't wait to download my Florida vacation photos and do some blogposts of some more photos of all the wonderful things we saw for you. I am really missing posting my photography and am going into withdrawal symptoms!!

Please be patient with me and know that as SOON as I can, you will see more of my photography on the blog.


  1. Congratulations! I'm all jealous of course, but still congrats to the winner!

  2. Congrats to Pearl! I hope you get your photos retrieved ..when mine crashed they were gone forever..I now back mine up to disk every ten days..and don't delete them from my SD cards until I have them copied. I do hope you have better luck than I did..I just lost a few weeks of photos..and I was very upset:(

  3. Congratulations Pearl, you will love your photo and enjoy it for many years to come and congratulations to you Joan, with all your do have the best blog ever.....:-) Hugs

  4. That is a very lovely prize...congratulations to the winner - so sad it wasn't me!!!

  5. Congrats to Pearl!

    Still having computer problems? The techs should be able to save all your photos. I've been through a virus attack and a crashed hard drive without losing the backed up files. Good luck.

  6. Congratulation on this new milestone.

  7. Awwwwwww! Thanks, Sweetie!

    Do you know that I just went all the way back in your blog, reliving each post, and looking at your photos with admiration (and greed?!) in my eyes?


    I've sent you an e-mail, but for the record, this gal from Minnesota, wants a picture of the Tiger Lillies of her youth. They grow in the dappled light of shady ditches all over Minnesota, and I love them.

    Thank you!


  8. Congratulations to Pearl, and hopefully your computer problems will be fixed soon. I decided also to back up my pictures on a separate hard drive in case somebody ever came in and stole my computer and its backup disk! I would be devastated...

  9. Jenn: It was so fun to be able to give back to my readers. I love you all!

    Lucy and Dick: You were in the pot of names...better luck next time! If I am ever lucky enough to hit 300 I will do it all again and probably give away an 11 X 14 !! ha

    Far Side: Luckily, I had purchased off line storage (without really realizing it) of many of my Blog pictures, so they are all saved (thanks to New England for reminding me of that and walking me thru it), so I at least know I have all of those safe and sound. However, I had MANY more that I hadn't published on Blogger yet saved on a Picasa program on my computer...I am waiting to hear from the shop if they were able to find those or not! Live and learn, right?

    Joanie: Thanks, honey. It was a lot of fun to be able to get 200 Followers plus to be able to give something back.

    Bernie: you have a heart of gold, Bernie and always know exactly what to say to make my day!

    RNSane: You were in the hang in there! If I am ever lucky enough to reach 300 Followers, I will be having another drawing. ha

    SquirrelQueen: Thanks so much for your good wishes. I have my fingers crossed. Without realizing it, I had purchased off line storage of most of my published on the blog photos...but I had many more in my computer Picasa program that I had not published on the blog and stored off line that I hope I didn't lose. I did just purchase an external hard drive so I hope it was backed up on there...I couldn't find them, but the computer repair shop (I HOPE) did...I will know more next week!

    Rainfield: Thanks so much. I was so excited when I hit 200!

    Pearl: you are most welcome! Your blog was one of the first that I found that I really liked and I was really happy when the number matched up to you and made you the winner!! I evidently (a while back) purchased storage from Picasa on Google that "backed up" all the published-on-my-blog photos, so I do indeed have my blog pictures saved!! So as soon as I can track down your chosen photo, it will be on its way to you. Now, you gotta send me an email and give me your name/address and I can get it to you after I order the 8 X 10 for you. I just framed one myself of a Tiger Lily that my husband made a birch frame for. I love those flowers and have a ton in my yard.

  10. congrats pearl...and of course i am jealous. smiles.

  11. Way to go Pearl. Your are winning a photograph from one heck of a good artist with a camera. Happy 200 bloggers to you to The Retired One.

  12. Congratulations to the winner!

    I hope they'll fix your computer and you can post your pictures soon!
    I did not make the pumpkin pie yet, I keep forgetting to buy a piece of pumpkin! But it sounds delicious and I promise I will try it soon!

  13. Congratulations to Pearl from another happy person on this followers list.

  14. Congratulations to the lucky winner! :-)

    I signed on just a minute ago, without having first read about your quest. I have recently figured out how to become a follower (yeah, I know, everybody but me did this eons ago, but .... ).

    Merry Christmas!

  15. congrats pearl. I hope everyone has a great holiday season!

  16. DJan: I heard from them today, and it seems they have saved many of them..I won't know if they are ALL okay until I get it back tomorrow.

    Brian: Hey, if I am lucky enough to ever approach 300, your name will be in the next drawing for a bigger print (I'll probably go with a 11X14 next time) ha.

    L.D.: Thanks so much...such a nice compliment from you, a wonderful artist!!!!! You made my day!

    Jientje: Thanks so much. You will not regret making homemade pumpkin pie from fresh pumpkins whenever you get around to it. :-} My computer is supposed to be back tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Ratty: that was so nice of you to congratulate Pearl...if I ever get close to 300 followers, there will be another contest for probably a bigger photo next hang in there, your name will be in the next drawing too.

    Sharkbytes: it was my pleasure to do that so that I could give my Followers some chance to win an appreciation of them. I really appreciate every one of you and feel you have all become friends.

    Merisi: Thanks so much for adding on as a Follower to my blog! I love your blog and look forward to your beautiful photos every time.

    Grannyann: thanks and I hope you do too!


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: