Tuesday, December 15, 2009

201 Followers??? SERIOUSLY???!!! YAY!!

Before I went to Florida, I had close to 200 Followers. My Christmas wish was to make 200.

Well, Santa has been good to me early this year...as of today's date, I have 201!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of my 201 Followers!!!!

As promised, I have a special prize to give away to thank you.

Over the next week, I will be downloading my list of followers and putting your names in a hat and pulling out ONE name for a special prize. (I will have my husband do it so you know I didn't play favorites).

If I had my way, I would give every one of you a prize, but since I can't, this is the best thing I could think of to do.

I will post who won and what they won soon, so stay tuned!!!

P.S. I am having computer problems in that the computer is not letting me download the many photos I took while in Florida. I am working on it and hopefully will be able to post some of them for you in a few days!!! (Can you hear me swearing where you live?) I have been working on it for two days with NO luck!!!

My laptop also was giving me problems sending out emails for the last 2 weeks, and I finally fixed that myself today. It seems that the computer gremlins have decided to visit and give me grief! Wish me luck in solving the photo dilemma....!


  1. yay! congrats! and with pics like yours, it does not surprise me...

    yikes on the computer problems, hope they work out soon!

  2. Congrats on your 201! I know I helped in making your wish come true. ;) Good luck with those computer glitches. I'm having them myself. grrr!

  3. Congratulations my dear friend, and I have to say I am not at all surprised that you have reached 200 followers, there will be more, many, many more as you have the most entertaining blog I visit. I have no idea how you keep up with everyone Joan, but am very happy for you.....Big Hugs....:-)

  4. Congrats on the 201 followers. I'm at 184 and hoping to get there soon.

  5. Glad your back -isn't the snow pretty? I hope your computer problems aren't catchy.

  6. Those photo gremlins might actually be in the blogspot arena, since I had the same problem a few weeks back, and then it mysteriously cleared up, with no change on my part. (Oh, there was one: I changed browsers and was able to download on the other one for awhile, and then the original browser worked again.)

  7. It couldn't happen to anyone more deserving. I love coming here and enjoying your pictures. And other fun things.

  8. Congratulations on your long list of followers! Your pictures are always incredible and we'll wait!

  9. Computers are such great tools, until they aren't! Hope you can round up the gremlins soon.

  10. Woo Hoo! Congratulations! You deserve it!

    Crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that your computer problems are fixed pronto!

  11. Brian: Thanks so much, that was very nice of you to say. I hope the problems work out too.. I think I have to move a LOT of my older pix onto CD's as my computer memory is getting too full. At least I hope that is what it is! I will be working feverishly at that tomorrow.

    Ellie: Yes you did help me and thanks so much! Your name will go into my drawing. Good luck!!

    Bernie: You Sweetheart! Thanks so much. I am working on downloading some pix to CD's..I think the memory of my computer is full and that is why I cannot load more on. Wish me luck, I will be working on it hard over the next few days.

    Eva: You will be there before you know it! I love your blog.

    Vickie: nope, I don't think it is catchy, I just think I have too much on my computer's memory. I am working on putting a lot of my older pictures on CD's to see if it helps.

    DJan: I think all my pictures were taking up too much memory on my computer...so over the next few days I will be downloading some of my older ones onto CD's. I hope that will help. Wish me luck!!

    Carol: So sweet of you to say! Thanks so much!

    Lucy and Dick: Thanks so much. Hang in there, I am working hard to get it resolved and can't wait to post my Florida pix.

    BlissedOut: ME too! It is so frustrating. It kills me not to be able to blog my photos every day for you.

    JJ: Thanks, honey. Cross your eyes too, maybe that will help, ha. I am pretty sure it has to do with too many old pix on my computer's memory...I am trying to download a bunch to CD's to free up some computer space...hope it works!!

  12. Well, congratulations are in order! Wow, that's a lot of readers. I still only have 4, maybe 5 comments each day and still haven't broke 100 followers. But I enjoy writing, so I guess I'll do it my my own amusement! I love your outlook on life, look forward to reading your blog every time!
    joy c. at grannymountain

  13. Congrats on your 201 followers... I have 188 now---but many of them are people who have never ever commented on my blog. Could I be getting THAT many lurkers?????? I do get between 35-50 comments each day--so that is pretty good. OH Well!!!!

    Hope you get your computer problems fixed soon.

  14. Congratulations on the 201 followers, I'm sure there will be many more.

    I hope you get the computer/camera problem worked out soon. Good luck.

  15. Joycee AND Betsy: I know many, many readers do not comment. I don't blame them. We are all busy people and also, some readers don't want to interact with the bloggers. I love it when my Followers comment. It is also interesting that many bloggers do not comment back to any comments left, too. It all takes a lot of time and I think that is why. Many times when I am behind in reading blogs I don't leave comments either, but most of the time I try to. I am grateful to each and every one of my readers and commentors! Thanks for the good luck wishes on my computer problems...I hate not being able to easily post them.

    SquirrelQueen: Thanks so much!! I hope I can work it out soon too! It makes me so mad when I can't have access to my photos.

  16. Wow... That's an amazing feat... Congrats dear.. :)

    Looking into the EYES!!! at Savoir-Faire
    My Little Black Dress at Fashion Pancahe

  17. Mitr: Thanks so much. Today I lost one follower (sigh). You never can figure out why people drop blogs or join them, can we? At least I am staying at 200 thus far. I hope it isn't because I couldn't post my pictures yet...I am working furiously to see why my computer is giving me problems and hope to have them up soon.

  18. Give me some pointers on how to get 200 followers. Hope you had a good trip.

  19. Hooray for 200 followers!

    I hope your computer problems go away easily. It's frustrating when that happens, even for me who usually understands that kind of thing more than most.

  20. Grannyann: I think a lot of people like humor and hopefully my photography. I am heartsick today though, my large computer crashed and I may have lost a lot of my photography. UGH!!! We are calling someone today to see if they can rescue my stuff.

    Ratty: Thanks! Unfortunately, we are going to have to call someone today to help us...I think it crashed and I may have lost some of my photographs, which will horrify me. I simply have to learn to store them on CD's as soon as I use them rather than on my computer's memory. I even got a back up system but it is locked up too. UGGGGGH!!!!


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