Monday, November 30, 2009

November's This and That Photographs...

Today, I thought I would post a few of the pictures that I have taken over the last few weeks that really didn't have a "theme" to them...they are just things that I found beautiful.

We have both male and female woodpeckers coming to our suet feeders all during the day.
This little girl's face was too cute to not take a picture of:
(I love how the suet is on top of her beak):

Here is the male companion. You can easily spot a male by the bright red spot on his head:

We have had several crystal clear, brisk days with sun on the lake:

Another one of the female at the suet feeder:

This was taken one early morning when the fog was still on the lake. The sun was burning it off, but it was a nice effect!:

The clear days bring wonderful reflections of the same exact shoreline.
I thought it might be neat for you to see the same exact location, only at a different time of day:

I know that within a few days we will be all white with the winter wonderland that arrives here with power....and stays here for months.
I know that this is just the "lull before the storm".
But I am so glad to have experienced it.
Nature is like that.
It never stays the same.
That's what makes it so interesting and beautiful.


  1. Enjoyed the pictures of the lake, as well as of your pair of woodpeckers at the feeder. You'll have a good winter watching them!

    The lake pictures reminded me of scenes along the Wisconsin River in northern Wisconsin, a place not too different from da UP.

  2. cant wait to see the white...guess i will probably live winter vicariously through you...these are the lake shots, i could feel teh chill breze coming off them...

  3. We have downy woodpeckers like these, easily recognized also for the tuft of fur above the beak, which I found is to keep the sawdust when they drill into a tree from getting in their eyes! Great pictures of them, and also your beautiful lake...

  4. Wowza! Your lake is crystal clear! Beautiful. And a Happy November to you as well :)

  5. Ashley: Thanks! And now we are already heading into December and snow. It is all white here now! But I won't be able to post it for a while. We are driving south tomorrow for a two week trip to Florida.

    DJan: How cool~I didn't know that about the woodpeckers. Thanks for sharing that!

    Brian: You may have to wait a few weeks to see my winter shots of white. Although we just got snow here this weekend, we are driving south to Florida starting tomorrow morning for a two week vacation!

    Tom and Sandy: We have camped in Northern Wisconsin and tubed down one to a it there too!

  6. Beautiful shots of the lake and the woodpeckers. I so want a new camera.

  7. Loved the "Sun Burning the Fog Off The Lake" photo!!!

  8. Hey There, I've missed your posts for a few days --but am trying to catch up this week. LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the pictures above.

    We have Downys at our suet feeders also. Aren't they just cute little guys???? I love the way they hang onto the feeders.

    The lake/reflection photos are fabulous --and could be award-winners...

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. That is a gorgeous picture of the lake and fog!

  10. Hasn't the weather been divine for us this year? We've been so lucky to have so many warm days yet.

  11. What beautiful pictures. It actually looks warm in some of the lake pictures. Great shots of the birds, I love seeing the little things in the pictures that we don't always see when we see the birds outside like the suet on the female's beak.

  12. You're blessed to live in such a beautiful piece of our planet, but I don't think I'd want Winter lasting THAT long. Beautiful pictures!

  13. Another set of beautiful photo's my friend....I look forward to your post so very much and thank you again for your beautiful picture, oh I love it....:-) Hugs

  14. The lake is so beautiful you must be really blessed. I love the woodpecker, I bet he was a little cross eyed at first. Giggle

  15. I love the woodpeckers. I have them come to my yard this time of the year. When I lived in the country I used to have a huge red headed woodpecker that came every day to peck on a dead tree. Great photos.

  16. What a great day for reflections. Your woodpeckers are fun to watch, I bet. Nice photos as usual. Have a great day.

  17. L.D. Thanks. I have to get over to your blog...I have been behind in reading everyone's blog due to family being here during TG and now we are leaving for Florida tomorrow. But I will take my laptop with me and hope to read you soon. Am anxious to see how your interior job went!

    SouthernLady: I bet you had a pileated woodpecker...they dig HUGE holes in trees and I love them. I hope to capture one on camera some day, it is on my wish list.

    Carol: Thanks. I always love watching them at the suet. They are getting more tame and let me come pretty close outside without being scared away.

    Bernie: You got it! YAY! I am so happy you like it. You are welcome my friend!

    Jientje: yes, our winters are very long. That is why I am driving to Florida for a few weeks..we are leaving tomorrow. ha

    Catherine: I loved that suet sitting on its beak too. Thanks!

    Lucy and Dick: yes, we have lucked out..but it snowed here the last three days, so I am afraid winter is here now to last...but we are leaving for a trip to Florida tomorrow morning so I get a little more sun before I stay here and have the rest of winter. ha

    Jeanette: Thanks so much. We had snow now so all is white!

    Betsy: I am also way behind in reading others' blogs...I had family here for TG and tomorrow we are leaving to drive down to Florida for a few weeks. But I am taking my laptop on the road, so will try and read here and there.

    Wanda: Thanks, it was really pretty out there that day. Now we have snow!

    Gaston: I am so glad you do!

    RainGardener: You gotta ask Santa. ha

  18. Wonderful pics! My Grams is bemoaning the bluejays chasing away the woodpeckers from her suet. It is a joy to wash dishes at her house and see all the birds.

  19. WOW, just WOW. Those are gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing.

  20. Love your little friends, of course, and I like that reflection with the white line - like a ruler - across the middle.

  21. The woodpeckers are so pretty, the little female is adorable. The lake photos, especially the fog burning off, are fantastic.

    Have a great time in sunny Florida.

  22. I love the photos with the reflections in the water.

  23. I'm a little disappointed that the snow has held off so long....
    Beautiful pictures. I love the peaceful reflections!

  24. I love woodpeckers. They were the first smaller bird that I was able to tell the difference between male and female. Lake scenery is always heaven.

  25. Lovely pictures of the lake-mirror. Such a dramatic change. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Water reflection pictures are my absolute faaaaavorite.

    Have you ever seen a Bev Doolittle print? We used to have a coffee table art book of hers and she has this water reflection scene in was awesome. For a drawing, anyways. Real life water reflection scenes are pretty amazing.

  27. I don't know the difference between male and female woodpeckers. I'm glad you told me.. I have one that comes to the seed bell every day. Great photos ,as usual Joan!!!

  28. Ginnymo: I love their faces, don't you?

    Kearsie: I have not seen any of the prints...but I love reflections, so I would probably love them, too.

    Lotusleaf: You are welcome! Thanks for stopping and leaving your great comments too.

    Ratty: I too like lake photos and birds and most animal shots, as you know!

    Sue: It snowed at our house already, it is white. But we left today for Florida. I am downstate Michigan (about 40 miles north of Ohio)and there is no snow here tonight.

    Loree: Thanks, so do I...I love reflections even when the trees are bare.

    SquirrelQueen: Thanks so much! I love fog photos too.

    Sharkbytes: Thanks so much...that horizon is hard to get even, isn't it? Thank goodness for the Picasa program where I can straighten them if I take them crooked. ha

    Joanna: Thanks! I can't wait to get to Florida to take some tropical pictures...should be there on Friday night.

    Maniacal: We have a bunch of BlueJays too...but they leave the woodpeckers alone. ha

  29. Oh great retired one was it you who recommended the copper bird feeder? We found them at Lowes this last weekend and they were on sale for only $7 and change! Boy did my daughter and I grab one. I need to get filled and hung.

    Love the pics. sure pretty birds.

  30. Grannyann: It wasn't me, but I love the copper feeders too!

  31. Wonderful Lake photos..I really enjoyed the same views at a different time of day..:)


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