Thursday, December 4, 2008

Grandkids....aren't they great?

Over thanksgiving we had the pleasure of a visit from MED (my eldest daughter), her husband and our two grandkids. My grandson's 6th birthday fell on 11/30, so we had an early bday party for him.
I had consulted MED about his Santa list a few weeks earlier to get some ideas for both his birthday and Xmas.
He has long been mesmerized with Super Heros and anything related to Star Wars. It is my belief that his father has brainwashed him into it, but that is for another blog.
Anyway, I bought him a Storm Trooper helmet dealie that when you put it on and talk through the microphone, you sound like you are either Darth Vader or a Storm Trooper.
He LOVED it.
How do I know?
Because he rips open the present, eyes widened, and in his most sincere voice, said:
"I am SO going to bring this to show-and-tell when I home!"

That got me to thinking....if I still had "Show and Tell" ...what would I bring?
How about you?


  1. Whoops, thought I would follow you, but your feed isn't turned on yet... Go into settings, pick the feed tab and make sure it's set to full. Also, funny that we each have a post titled The Beginning of the End... Great Minds, right? LOL And I'm trippin a little about your bio... My mom was an RN also. Fun! So glad you emailed me on LR!
    Great day to you hon!

  2. Ok, scratch that last part about your feed, cause there it is, I'm officially following you now... you must have been working on it while I was typing! LOL

  3. Nice blog to share with us!

    Happy blogging,

    Toddler World

  4. Thanks for visiting Journeys in Creative Writing and following ...
    Did you begin Pip's story from the beginning. What do you think?
    Show and Tell - let me think. I think it would have to be pictures of my kids when they were littlies - a long time ago but they still mean heaps to me. Not original or dramatic but there it is ...
    June in Oz


I always love to hear what you thought of today's blogpost! So, go ahead...MAKE MY DAY!!!!: