Friday, April 19, 2013

BLLLRRGGGGGHHH!....STILL snowing here!.....

I know you probably get sick of hearing me complain
about our slow spring this year...
but I gotta VENT!
Today, April 19th we are in the middle of yet ANOTHER blizzard, folks!
And, we have not had the pleasure of ANY of this past winter's snow
even melting yet...
so that means we have YET to see bare ground since last OCTOBER!!!
Count them: 7 months (going on EIGHT) with all white on our ground.
Luckily in a week, I am heading to another tropical vacation to get away from it!
My nephew is having a destination wedding in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
I can't TELL you how badly I need to be at the beach for a week.
So, today, again....I will delve back into my files from last April/May
to remember what real spring is like.
My only hope is that by the time we get back the snow will have melted during our absence!
Last Spring's images:
Yellow trout lily:

Cherry blossoms:

Ogemaw Falls in Baraga County, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, early spring:

New spring growth:

Side falls in early spring next to Ogemaw Falls:

Side view of Ogemaw Falls:

Little side falls between the mossy rocks:

I so look forward to getting out into our woods again
and finding the spring wildflowers
high flowing waterfalls!
Hope with me that by the second week in May
we thaw out enough
here for us to do so!
I love this part of the country with ALL my heart, but I am getting


  1. That extended winter can get pretty depressing. Especially since last year looked so fresh by now. Lovely pics. It's coming eventually.

    Enjoy your trip.. I'm sure you will. :)

  2. The weather is being so strange all across the country, but that never-ending winter is straining many of you. I hear it from several bloggers. Have a great time in the sun and catch a few rays for me! :-)

  3. It is good to have so many wonderful photographs to recall the wonderful days of spring and summer. While chilly from time to time, the sun has been, for the most part, shining brightly in the San Francisco area - and snow doesn't happen here. Regardless, June 1, I fly to India for six months where the temperatures will already be 100+ degrees+. My total shoulder replacement of Jan 18th has healed well and my first grandbaby arrived last week so I'm good to go.

  4. Winter will not loosen his gnarly fingered grasp hee either. Snow yesterday at 8:00AM, melted by 12:30PM, rain and rain today. Well the outside mulch removal is not getting done and I too look at last years flower photos. Waiting for spring. One day comes with promise and then whammo, wintery again.

  5. ah the waterfalls and cherry very beautiful...
    i hope you had an amazing mothers day today...

  6. We were complaining about the extended winter in Spain too, but it was nowhere near as bad as that!!!

    Hopefully that wedding in Punta Cana will have warmed you up and you are now enjoying a lovely Spring back home!


    PS: the flowers are gorgeous, but my favourite will always be the moving water, LOVE the waterfalls! ;o)
    PPS: Did you know it's World Oceans Day next weekend? Come by and celebrate! :o)

  7. Hey Joan! Just checking in on you. Hope all is well...

  8. Just popping in to say hi and hope all is well ! Have you fallen off the blog grid ? I miss your awesome posts and photos ! Take care from Our Country Cove Crew !

  9. Hi Joan! Hope you are fine and just busy enjoying life!

  10. Fantastic place, beautiful photos:) Greetinga


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