So it is time once again to post "This and That" photographs for you.
We still have a bunch of bluejays that visit us every day:

This little guy is in our birdfeeders more than the birds!
He frequently sits on my garden watering can, so I finally captured him on film:

I have been happy to get several sunset pictures over our lake this summer:

I love tree mushrooms!
Here is another one:

What's better than a sunset picture over the lake?
A sunset picture with clouds over the lake!:

This year, we planted pumpkins in our garden. I don't think we will get any to grow big enough for us to use, but the blossoms are pretty:

A cloudy day over our lake:

September moon:

Color is beginning to show itself on our shores:

Soon, I will be going out in the woods to capture as many autumn color shots as I can get before the leaves fall off.
So, if I don't comment as often as normal on your blogs, you will know that I am spending my days outdoors getting as many pictures as I can before all the leaves are gone.
Stay tuned!
You made beautiful pictures. I think I like the bluejay best, or maybe the teees with the colouring leaves or the lake? I just like them all.
Have a nice day
So pretty to see the slight change of color. In another couple of weeks, it will be a riot.
Riet: Thanks so much. I love being out there taking them too.
Sandy: Yes, the colors are changing almost every day here!
Joan, that cloudy day lake picture is beautiful, as all of them are really. Don't worry about commenting when you are out taking even more beautiful photo's to share with all of us. Have a beautiful day......:-) Hugs
the little striped monk is too cute. love it when the leaves start to change! come on fall!
Love love love that fifth pic of the clouds and water!!
Wow. If I could take pictures like that, I wouldn't have time for commenting either. Have fun in the woods! Can't wait to see your fall colors.
Great photographs. The blue of the jay is so great and the chipmunk is concerned about your camera. Yew we have leaves on the ground here already and the maples along the interstate are changing colors.
Bernie: Thanks! I am going to try and read other blogs during this busy time, but there will be days where I am still behind for sure!
Brian: That little chipmunk is the devil! ha He digs in my garden and eats all my birdseed along with his buddies.
Kearsie: It was so pretty out that day. Still. We could hear the pontoon tricking thru the water as we drove slowly around the lake. Heaven.
Lesley: I will make comments, they probably will just be a few days late. ha
L.D.: It is ironic that the prettiest time of the year holds so much sadness for me, because I just hate to see spring and summer over. Our winters are so long here!
ACK! You got a moon shot! And I mean, the REAL moon! What settings did you use?
Those clouds over the
How was your hummingbird season this year, I didn't get ANY! NOT ONE! SOB!!!!!
I like to see the mushroom above the sun in the second picture.
I love blue jays and their noisy mouths. They are so pretty.
I love the cloudy day over the lake shot! It's got really great perspective!
The surfing shot is from this year's East Coast Surfing Championship. It's held each year in Virginia Beach (which I think it a total joke, since we never have waves... although this year we had a hurricane helping). I was snapping away like a fiend and caught a shot of this guy as his board tombstoned and he was starting to wipe out. I got some cool shots from the event, but unfortunately nothing too awesome, since I lacked a telephoto lens to zoom with.
All of the photographs are beautiful, my personal favorites the lake scenes. Thank you for sharing with everyone.
What a beautiful collection! I love the chipmunk on the watering can, so cute.
Loved all the pictures. Especially the one of that little guy. Is he a chipmunk? Can't wait to see your fall pictures. I am sure they will be awesome.
They are all excellent but I think I like the "Cloudy Day over Our Lake" the best.
Insanity: I just used the zoom to get the moon shot. We had a ton of hummingbirds this year, I have an old post with several of the shots, go to Lijit on the side of my blog and type in hummingbirds and click it and you can get to a menu to get my post. They were here and then scarce for about 2 weeks (nesting I think) and then they were back: double! I took down my feeder after Labor Day because I was told if I didn't they would stay too long and not fly south and freeze here, which I didn't want to happen. I had to mess with the shutter speed in the spring to get good shots, but I finally got some good ones.
Rainfield: I love tree mushrooms, I think they look really neat in the woods.
Grannyann: They ARE noisy, aren't they? They screech at us to put more birdseed in the feeder. But they are afraid of the chipmunk who comes and eats their seed.
VaBookworm: I loved your surfer shot! Great job.
A.J.: You are welcome. thanks for visiting and liking them!
Catherine: He is the devil. :-}
Loree: Yes, he is a chipmunk. Like in the cartoons! He is such a stinker. He is all over my garden and in my birdfeeders. UGH!!!!
Alan: That day was so pretty when we were out on the boat. Still and sunny and very quiet. The clouds were awesome. I am so glad the picture captured it so well.
I love all of your pics, but my all time favorite is the water and the clouds, all I can say is wow!
What a beautiful picture
Have a great day
Magnificent shots!
Sara: Thanks so much, Sara. That day was beautiful on the lake, so I am so glad I captured it.
Jenn: Thanks!!
Just beautiful! ♥
I'm still after my first good picture of a blue jay. Your little chipmunk has a very bushy tail.
Boomer: thanks so much!
Ratty: We are lucky here, there are plenty around. They are noisy though!
Just beautiful! The shots on the water just made my heart melt! Glad you are able to see the wonderfullness (struggling for a word) of the U.P.
Ashley: I love the water shots too. I can't get enough of being on lakes or near rivers and waterfalls. Yes, I appreciate the U.P.'s beauty. I never did as much as now, when we are retired and I can get into the photography of it all. Now I realize how lucky I am to be able to go outside my door and within 5 milees have amazing places to photograph!
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